The ruling is significant not only for its stark repudiation of Trump’s novel immunity claims but also because it breathes life back into a landmark prosecution that had been effectively frozen for weeks as the court considered the appeal.

Yet the one-month gap between when the court heard arguments and issued its ruling has already created uncertainty about the timing of a trial in a calendar-jammed election year, with the judge overseeing the case last week canceling the initial March 4 date.

Trump’s team vowed to appeal, which could postpones the case by weeks or months — particularly if the Supreme Court agrees to take it up. The judges gave Trump a week to ask the Supreme Court to get involved.

    8 months ago

    The thing is that if they rule in trump’s favor they essentially take away their own power and give it back to the president, because with that ruling president is essentially a king. He can make sure that something unfortunate would happen to anyone non loyal in Congress, SCOTUS etc and have no consequences.

    Biden also is still the president right now so it would also apply to him, although I don’t think he would go to these lengths.