Former President Donald Trump ramped up his threats to prosecute President Joe Biden if he wins another term in the White House.An appeals court rejected Trump’s claims of immunity in the federal election subversion case in the District of Columbia, although he intends to press the same argument in …

    8 months ago

    Just this whole attitude towards the thing shows how crooked he is. As far as I can tell, Biden has tried to remain hands-off from the Justice Dept and just let them do their own thing to avoid even the appearance of impropriety. And I believe that’s more or less been how most Presidents have tried to behave since maybe Nixon EXCEPT for Trump, who seems to view it as his own personal legal hit-squad, to be used for just litigating people he doesn’t like, instead of… y’know, administering justice. He completely misunderstands the purpose of government and really should not be allowed anywhere near the position. He should be rotting in prison now, he’s a complete shitstain on history.