People always want to say if you’re a Liberal you’re stupid or if you’re a Conservative you’re stupid but in my opinion the ultimate in IQ tests is if you see a blockage up ahead and instead of taking your foot off the accelerator, and instead of applying some brake pedal, you actually continue to accelerate.

Like what do these people think is going to happen? Is Moses going to descend from Heaven and part the cars or change that red light to green?

When two semis are side by side on the interstate and there are only two lanes and one semi is overtaking the other by going a mere .5 mph faster can’t these people do some simple calculations which tell them, “hey, you’re going to have to wait a few minutes before you can get through this”? Instead they mash the pedal down and then have to apply the brakes on the interstate. It makes no sense.

The only explanation I have come up with is that these people somehow won a lifetime supply of brake pads and they are determined to get their value out of it. Or they are brake pad design engineers who are doing real world tests.