lack of purpose
I know it’s just a meme, but to address this seriously for a moment… I think this whole idea impacts people really negatively. It’s bound up with the “meaning of life” thing, and it seems like a lot of people feel anxiety due to not having some grand answer for “what is my purpose in life?” &etc.
Objects have purpose. A hammer has a purpose. A bucket has a purpose. A flashlight has a purpose. These things are designed to perform a function, they have a purpose because their makers and users give one to them, and their nature is limited by that.
You were not designed to perform a particular function. You are not so limited. You are that which gives purpose.
You were not designed to perform a particular function.
Second this. Just exist and do as many enjoyable things as you can in that time and try to make others’ existence also nice and that’s life.
Yea, there’s no intrinsic place for us to fit into the universe. In fact, the universe is quite random and entropy is everywhere. Just pursue what makes you happy.
Is there a purpose to playing video games all day? Nope. Am I having fun and enjoying life? Yup!
Just take everything with some moderation so you don’t burn yourself out though. Frequent breaks here and there have recently become my lifesaver for not feeling exhausted all the time. Self care really is important.
My last time taking psychedelics was a really bad mushroom trip where I felt like I was being pulled into insanity.
But, during the comedown I had an epiphany that there is no meaning to life, but that’s alright because life doesn’t have to have meaning and purpose to be enjoyed.
Thank you for these words
Why bother picking? Just be sad about everything all the time
Is that you Strong Sad?
In reality, I’m more Strong Mad
Make your purpose getting in shape and check two off.
Get in shape by imagining punching the cause of your childhood trauma in the face and check that one off aswell
And worry less about how society thinks they should live and enjoy their finite time. That’s the other three.
Sounds like all OP needs is to figure out what makes them happy and do it with as much income as backs it. If earning money gets in the way of what they want to do, dial the balance back.
This is a checklist of someone lost and looking for direction or affirmation from socials or society, not actually looking for direction from their screaming inner soul.
What you said makes sense. However, it isn’t so easy to navigate if you’re stuck like this. They may very well know what they need, but obtaining those things might not be possible right now, and the result is feeling like what is depicted in OPs meme. “Screaming inner soul” is apt and even though it is loud and abusive, it doesn’t always allow the person to move forward.
Apart from severe disabilities being fat is always actionable.
Disabilities require you to readjust your standards based on your condition.
Haha yes
How the fuck you stole my list and clipboard!?
I’ve been wondering where I put it.
almost none of these apply to me anymore, but they still feel like they do and bug me to no end
Oh fuck real meirl content have seen this in a while.
Me too thanks
Easy fix:
Get rid of everything you have. Go to somewhere with a functioning health care. Then apply for immigration. Restart a new life from 0 and no downsides
I don’t think it’s that easy to immigrate to a 1st world country.
I have everything us a load of other shits except being fat