Obviously I can understand why mysoginists are hated upon, As their belief is all women are trash or men are superior etc. But why are incels also generally hated upon? They are lacking in a way that makes them unable to gey in a relationship, but that shouldn’t necessarily mean they are mysoginists, right?

What am I missing here? I haven’t ever had a relationship with a woman, but I don’t hate all women either. I just consider myself unlucky. Does that make me an incel?

  • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
    8 months ago

    At this point you are nitpicking what I said to fit your own idea, despite understanding the point perfectly.

    Being a tiger is an immutable trait. Are you going to tell me that I shouldn’t discriminate when I decide whether to approach it? Or are you going to say “Duh, it’s a wild animal known to maul people”? Because if you said that you’d be running head first into the point and missing it like you have already done twice now

    Just because being a man is an immutable trait does not mean that men aren’t the ones committing violent crimes. 99% of sexual assault cases in the US are perpetrated by men, and 91% of the victims are women. Just because you don’t like that fact does not change the reality that women have to be statistically overwhelmingly more wary of men than other women. That also doesn’t mean that women don’t ever have to be wary of other women. Nobody said that.

    It could very well have been a woman with a knife in my mother-in-law’s situation. Here’s the thing though, it’s very nearly 100x more likely to have been a male. It’s not bigotry to recognize that pattern. Telling a woman to ignore that pattern so she won’t hurt a man’s feelings is completely nuts, especially if you are a man, which I strongly suspect you are.

    This entire conversation is exhausting. You’re so bent on being right about women being bigots for not trusting men as readily as they might trust other women, that you actually agree with me about “stranger danger”, you’re just playing completely blind to the statistics to suit your politics.

    My man, I don’t know how to say it any other way. If you’re still stuck on this concept being bigotry, I can’t see another way for me to hold your hand through this.

    You may never get it. I’ve spelled it out for you so thoroughly that you have to actively not want to understand at this point. Your politics are proving to be more important to you than women’s actual safety, and so I’m done here. Good luck explaining your point to a woman you know without getting laughed at.

    • beardown@lemm.ee
      8 months ago

      Being a tiger is an immutable trait. Are you going to tell me that I shouldn’t discriminate when I decide whether to approach it?

      So now you’re dehumanizing and othering men by comparing them to wild animals. Which is another example of bigotry, and the first step towards such things as crimes against humanity and genocide. I remember hearing a lot recently about how all Palestinians are animals. And reading about how Germans in the 30s claimed that all jews were inhuman. And if not all then certainly most, which is why we need to round them up just to be sure

      I’m really not interested in FBI crime stats unless you’re going to be honest with them and use them to make similar points about race. If you’re not willing to argue that the stats show that whites and blacks cannot live together, or at least that whites cannot trust blacks (which are clearly ludicrous and bigoted statements) then you shouldn’t be using sex to make that same argument. We shouldn’t refuse to make business dealings with Jews just because they’re Jewish, we shouldn’t refuse to hire black people as cops just because they’re black, we shouldn’t refuse to hire Muslims in LGBT organizations, and we similarly shouldn’t distrust men just because they’re men. And honestly if you think we should do any of those things then not only are you a bigot, but you also don’t know women. Because I know for a fact that my wife, her friends, colleagues, and family members highly resent this sort of pseudo feminist hate speech that people like you peddle supposedly on their behalf. Then again, most of them are educated and have functioning brains, which may be why they are able to discern the difference between reality and bigotry, and the distinction between groups based on immutable traits and individuals.

      • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
        8 months ago

        My man, you are taking any and every opportunity to warp what I’m saying into something it isn’t.

        If you’re going to accuse me of a path to genocide because you can’t understand that women don’t feel safe around men they don’t know, this conversation has reached its logical conclusion.

        Which is to say that you can only discredit me if I’m literally advocating genocide. You know that I’m not. You’re reaching, and this is no longer an honest argument. Not that it was 5 comments ago either, but the absurdity of your logic has peaked.

        You’re never going to get it. That’s not my problem. Later tater

        Good luck out there.

        • beardown@lemm.ee
          8 months ago

          Dehumanizing any group based on immutable traits is a path to genocide, yes. Which is why it needs to be opposed at its earliest stage in all manifestations. This is simple 3rd grade holocaust history stuff. Did you not go to school?

          • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
            8 months ago

            You might have a point if my original assertion was “no men are trustworthy, ever” but really it was “women have a reason to not immediately trust men they don’t know”

            You’re insisting on a fallacy, one that you won’t allow nuance for. You’re putting words in my mouth like genocide and fbi. You’re elsewhere accusing me of running a far right psyop. You clearly do have an agenda.

            We’re done here. Enjoy your downvotes

            • beardown@lemm.ee
              8 months ago

              If your point is that men are only trustworthy if they’re “one of the good ones” then you’re a bigot. Sounds exactly like a Fox News addicted boomer after watching a segment on “inner city” crime.

              Immutable traits are never a valid basis for discriminatory actions or beliefs. You judge individuals based on who they are, not on how they were born. To do otherwise is bigotry and prejudice

              • Seasoned_Greetings@lemm.ee
                8 months ago

                If your point is that men are only trustworthy if they’re “one of the good ones”

                That isn’t my point. You don’t understand that and it shows. You’re twisting the actual point so you can ramble about shutting down genocide