pretty quiet week this week if you ignore whatever the hell is going on with our bathroom toilet, which has a diagnostic issue we can’t troubleshoot and which has flooded once this week. calling maintenance once again to see if we can figure this out so i don’t have to plunge every third time we flush (ironically it’d be way easier if we just had to plunge every time–but it’s the times we don’t that make this extremely bizarre)

  • autumn (she/they)
    8 months ago

    the foster dog fail got the go-ahead from the vet to do agility, so coco echo is here to stay! i took her to a 30-minute agility lesson on friday, and she learned jump, tire, tunnel, dog walk, and A-frame. yesterday, she started working on the teeter and is so enthusiastic about learning new things.

    one of my goals this year was to not get another dog, but sometimes the right dog comes along and… yeah. i think my partner will be happy to have a break from fostering, since that’s always a bit of a gamble. three is the maximum i can care for, so it’ll be awhile before i foster again. i still need to get the paperwork together (and write the check), but once that’s done she’ll officially be part of the family. <3

      8 months ago

      Yay, what a great update to the story. She’s gorgeous, and well bonded to you already. Happy times!