I’m trying to help my friend run for local school board, and I don’t how to promote his campaign without a lot of money, he’s got a donate page setup and I helped him with a website, what are some low or no-cost ideas for promoting his campaign amongst the constituents until he has enough donations?

  • FrickAndMortar@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    Depends on how much ground there is to cover, but face-time with people is cheap if you’re just walking the neighborhood and knocking on doors.

    I had a candidate (not a staffer, the actual candidate) introduce himself and we talked on my stoop for like 20min. I was impressed that he cared enough to come in person. I was leaning in his direction anyway, but after that I told people he seemed like a good guy, donated a few bucks online, and voted for him.

    Alternately, you could host a “coffee with the candidate somewhere”, and bring the people to you?