Not really humorous or anything, but I just had some fun with EasyTimeline. Here is the script I wrote to generate it:

scary code
ImageSize  = width:700 height:260
PlotArea   = width:550 height:180 left:130 bottom:80
DateFormat = yyyy
Period     = from:1997 till:2008
TimeAxis   = orientation:horizontal
ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:1 start:1997
Legend = orientation:ver position:bottom columns:3

  bar:O'Neill text:Jack O'Neill
  bar:Carter text:Sam Carter
  bar:Mitchell text:Cameron Mitchell
  bar:Jackson text:Daniel Jackson
  bar:Quinn text:Jonas Quinn
  bar:Teal'c text:Teal'c
  bar:Doran text:Vala Mal Doran

  color:black width:24 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S shift:(25,0)
  bar:O'Neill from:1997 till:2004 color:purple
  bar:Carter from:1997 till:2004 color:green width:8
  bar:Carter from:2004 till:2005 color:purple width:8
  bar:Carter from:1997 till:2004 color:orange
  bar:Carter from:2004 till:2008 color:orange
  bar:Mitchell from:2005 till:2008 color:purple
  bar:Jackson from:1997 till:2002 color:blue
  bar:Jackson from:2003 till:2008 color:blue
  bar:Quinn from:2002 till:2003 color:blue
  bar:Jackson from:1997 till:2002 color:red width:8
  bar:Jackson from:2003 till:2008 color:red width:8
  bar:Teal'c from:1997 till:2008 color:red
  bar:Doran from:2006 till:2008 color:red

  id:co value:purple legend:Commanding_officer
  id:xo value:green legend:Executive_officer
  id:to value:orange legend:Technical_officer
  id:rs value:blue legend:Research_specialist
  id:ca value:red legend:Cultural_advisor

Data source: