Please be kind with me as I am new to this platform. I was at a club when a very handsome guy, totally my type, started dancing with me. I don’t know what gave me the courage to take the half finished beer from his hand and take a sip of it without asking. I then gave his beer back to him, and he said he had to go but will be right back. It was an excuse to stop dancing with me since he just stayed put in his friend group without going anywhere. I’ve been feeling really bad after that happened and would have danced the night away with him if I could. And now I have no idea what his name or phone number is, just keep replaying that night in my mind.

What is your opinion on a woman taking a man’s beer and having a sip without asking? Is it such an awful gesture that his sudden rejection was warranted? Was he angry, scared off, or just thought I was easy? I am not that type of person and had no ill intentions whatsoever. I just acted on natural impulse and was trying to be flirtatious. Thank you for any advice and comfort.

    6 months ago

    Weird, I wouldn’t be put off by that at all. It shows you’re comfortable with someone. I’d actually like it if someone does that to me, it makes me feel trusted.

    Some people can be pretty germophobic though, but on the other hand if you’re flirting you probably end up (or desire to end up) kissing the person so in the scope of that it’s not really a big thing.

    But anyway, people are different, clearly for him it was a problem but it definitely isn’t for me. Don’t worry about it, you sound like a nice person! Sometimes people are just incompatible.