I was talking to my hairdresser last week and she loves injections. Guess she forgets enough that pills everyday are too much for her. I’m taking mine in the morning, evening and then progesterone right before bed. So, three times a day I have to take pills. Guess I’m curious what your thoughts about the differences are and if it’s just about convenience, as the injections are only once a week, or are there any other benefits one way or the other.

  • HelixDab2@lemm.ee
    1 year ago

    In re: TRT, doctors don’t like prescribing depo testosterone because it usually ends up getting abused. In this case, “abuse” means that men will use more than they are prescribed. Testosterone is a DEA scheduled drug, so clients taking 2x their prescribed dose ends up looking bad for the prescribing doctor. For transwomen? I really don’t know. You’d have to ask your doctor why that is.