A lot of people have had their lives turned upside down by this guy. They may not be literal kings but the hierarchical nature of employment, together with the role money plays in politics, gives billionaires a lot of power over our lives.
Rich people influence your life even if they’re not politicians. Using their money and influence they push parties and organizations that push their interests, which are usually the exact opposite of what benefits ordinary people
We are ruled by morons.
Open source, open standards, open protocols. We need to stop allowing centralized control which let the rich accumulate more power.
Something something shoots astronaut in back of head
A lot of people have had their lives turned upside down by this guy. They may not be literal kings but the hierarchical nature of employment, together with the role money plays in politics, gives billionaires a lot of power over our lives.
Rich people influence your life even if they’re not politicians. Using their money and influence they push parties and organizations that push their interests, which are usually the exact opposite of what benefits ordinary people
As a great poet once observed, “Cash Rules Everything Around Me.”