I think it’s fair to bring up since the way the OP post phrases that is a little eyeroll inducing, like the rest of the post is about this unusually gratuitous act of consumerism and feeling good about being complimented on your purchase by a salesperson, and this is all characterized as being part and parcel with a simple walk. And it looks like that person might be from another country and it could be down to language/cultural differences so they deserve some slack, but to me it’s an offputting statement.
Right? Haha. “They weren’t simply taking a walk they were purchasing flowers” umm akshully you didn’t simply go for a hike you went out for a picnic.
One doesn’t simply walk into a flower shop.
Idk who downvoted you this is clearly a great lotr reference. Anyway now you have 1 vote again
I think it’s fair to bring up since the way the OP post phrases that is a little eyeroll inducing, like the rest of the post is about this unusually gratuitous act of consumerism and feeling good about being complimented on your purchase by a salesperson, and this is all characterized as being part and parcel with a simple walk. And it looks like that person might be from another country and it could be down to language/cultural differences so they deserve some slack, but to me it’s an offputting statement.