The situation at Columbia has even drawn the attention of the White House, joining local leaders in urging calm.

“While every American has the right to peaceful protest, calls for violence and physical intimidation targeting Jewish students and the Jewish community are blatantly antisemitic, unconscionable, and dangerous,” White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said in a statement shared with CNN on Sunday.

    6 months ago

    We’re not talking about race science we’re talking about hatred for Jews existing long before the concept of ‘the west’. You’re either willfully ignorant of non Western countries xenophobia or you’re an apologist. Sounds like a pretty liberal stance to me, liberal.

      5 months ago

      we’re talking about hatred for Jews existing long before

      PThen you should have no problem proving it, should you?

      You’re either willfully ignorant of non Western countries xenophobia

      Yeah… attempting to excuse the west’s invention of white supremacism and antisemitism by pretending “everybody else was doing it, too” is about as ahistorical and apologetic as it gets, lib.

        5 months ago

        PThen you should have no problem proving it, should you?

        Yeah it was actually rather easy, just one Google search away to know you’re spouting bullshit.

        The first clear examples of anti-Jewish sentiment can be traced back to Alexandria in the 3rd century BCE. Alexandrian Jewry were the largest Jewish community in the world and the Septuagint, a Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, was produced there. Manetho, an Egyptian priest and historian of that time, wrote scathingly of the Jews and his themes are repeated in the works of Chaeremon, Lysimachus, Poseidonius, Apollonius Molon, and in Apion and Tacitus.

        Source: The History of Antisemitism, Classical Period (Wikipedia)

        Yeah… attempting to excuse the west’s invention of white supremacism

        I don’t think I saw the commenter you’re replying to ever try to excuse Western White Supremacism, or say they didn’t invent it. I think they were merely pointing out that there’s been anti-jewish hatred for far longer than there’s been a “West”.

          5 months ago

          Yeah it was actually rather easy, just one Google search away to know you’re spouting bullshit.

          Maybe try reading your own sources next time.

          From your own source:

          However, Bohak has argued that early animosity against the Jews cannot be regarded as being anti-Judaic or antisemitic unless it arose from attitudes that were held against the Jews alone, because many Greeks showed animosity towards any group which they considered barbaric.

          Yet more from your own source:

          Edward Flannery describes the form of antisemitism which existed in ancient times as being essentially “cultural, taking the shape of a national xenophobia which was played out in political settings”

          And yet more from your own source:

          The terms “religious antisemitism” and “anti-Judaism” are sometimes used in reference to animosity towards Judaism as a religion rather than antisemitism, which is used in reference to animosity towards Jews as members of an ethnic or racial group

          And the most important bit you and the other libs on here are so desperate to ignore (italics mine for the terminally bewildered):

          The coming of the Scientific and Industrial Revolutions in 19th-century Europe bred a new manifestation of antisemitism (ie, actually racialized antisemitism - the only antisemitism there is), based as much upon race as upon religion, which culminated in the Holocaust that occurred during World War II.

          Are you starting to see a pattern yet, lib? Or do you still want to pretend that western “race science” can simply by swept under the rug by appealing to “everyboy-was-doing-it-ism”?

            5 months ago

            Are you starting to see a pattern yet, lib? Or do you still want to pretend that western “race science” can simply by swept under the rug by appealing to “everyboy-was-doing-it-ism”?

            Why the fuck are you talking about race science still? I haven’t brought it up or said something about it once. Why do you think I’m trying to ignore race science or say the West didn’t invent it?

            19th-century Europe bred a NEW manifestation of antisemitism

            Maybe you read your own quote. There’d be no reason to call it a new manifestation if it was the first manifestation ever. Sure you can move the goalpost and say you were only ever arguing about racist science from the 1800s, or you can realize that we’ve been talking about hatred of Jews, and literally every quote I gave was about that, and that it’s existed for thousands of years.

              5 months ago

              Why the fuck are you talking about race science still?

              Gee… now why would we, living in a society that is so thoroughly defined by the tenets of scientific racism that it literally dictates the very way in which we see the world need to talk about said scientific racism?

              Maybe you want to take a wild guess, liberal?

              Maybe you read your own quote.

              Genius - I was reading your source. You know - the source where a whole lot of historians seem completely hamstrung by not even being able to discern what actually qualifies as antisemitism and what doesn’t?

              Hold on - I’ll give you a clue, okay? Fill in the blanks here.

              The very concept of “Semitism” is a r _ c _ _ l _ z _ d one.

              Are you starting to see it now, lib?