Snapshot of Eurozone inflation falls to 5.5% in sharp contrast to UK. Economists put reason for divergence down to Brexit and Britain’s energy price guarantee.

    1 year ago

    I don’t see why people think centralising power, which is the result of ever more political union is a benefit.

    Same reason you centralise anything, economies of scale. For instance, all this agri business regulation, if the UK just used the EU rules, then the UK can trade with the EU (and their other partners) no problem and the UK doesn’t have to pay a load of it’s own people to do the exact same work.

    There you go massive specific and relevant benefit that anybody can understand. It is interesting you cannot really do the same the other way.

    I’d like to see more decentralised government. A fediverse version if you like. Representative democracy is so last century.

    Well I am loving so far, it’s smashing. The right tool for the right job is an adage as true as anything in my experience and decentralised systems are great in some places and fucking useless in others. As far as democracy goes, most people simply don’t have the time to gather all the knowledge you would need to actually govern effectively and make good decisions.

    I mean could it be any worse than when we let these useless aristocrat pricks from Eton and Oxbridge who know nothing run riot? Might be less corrupt like, there is that.

      1 year ago

      But if the centralised management is flawed, as the EU’s is because of the CAP and vetoes, it causes massive problems, and then the fixes are sub optimal, which compounds the issue

      Exhibit A

      And I’m not sure why you think someone in Brussels is any less likely to be corrupt

      Exhibit B

        1 year ago

        The CAP has been reformed more than once and we were big players, most of the regulation UK gov wanted they got.

        Vetos have been a problem wrt to foreign policy you are right, and there are talks about moving that to QMV as well. I don’t think vetos apply to CAP though, I believe that’s all QMV and has been since Lisbon.

        As far as your examples, I think those are both fantastic examples of accountability on the part of the EU, in the first case they’ve commissioned a proper audit of the spending and the effectiveness of that spending, and now know what to address to make future spending more effective. wish our government did shit like that.

        In the second case, all those people were investigated and arrested and are in court now, further they were voted out of their positions too, again something I wish our government would do.

        You are doing a great job of making me even more sure I am right about this than I was before tbh with you.

          1 year ago

          The CAP has not been reformed successfully, you’re confusing task with goal

          Wow, if you think wasting 66b is a sign of good governance, you’re lost pal

          The CAP is controlled by the lobbyists, and backed by the big growing countries, always has been. It’s got nothing to do with protecting biodiversity and all to do with profit

          the second case, all those people were investigated and arrested and are in court now, further they were voted out of their positions too, again something I wish our government would do

          Lol, those are the ones that got caught. Man, you are naive as hell

          Why do you think there are over 25k lobbyists in Brussels? For the beer and chips?

            1 year ago

            The CAP has not been reformed successfully, you’re confusing task with goal

            You’ve added that qualifier not me, depends how you define success doesn’t it. My point was that things can and do change.

            Wow, if you think wasting 66b is a sign of good governance, you’re lost pal

            Heh, you know, I knew you were going to come back with this so I already have my answer to it.

            Yes 66bn certainly does sound like a lot of money to waste, over a period of 8 years and between 28 countries.

            Makes me wonder why you are not so bothered about the 200bn that this country has spent on this Brexit project, all on it’s own in the same time frame.

            Lol, those are the ones that got caught. Man, you are naive as hell

            Oh right… so now you’re pointing to the corruption that you can’t prove exists?

            Let me ask you this, what do you make of the blatant clear corruption in this country? specifically all of the pork barrel money related to Brexit like the Tees port scandal for example?

            I’d like to think you’ll be just as scathing, but somehow it seems like any cost associated with Brexit is worth it for some reason, even though you can’t even tell me specifically what that reason is, much less prove it’s a valid one. I wish I could say this was the first conversation I’ve had with somebody with Brexititus related Brexit blindness but when you get down to it, you’re all remarkably similar.

              1 year ago

              Lol, you are like most remain voters I encounter, you like the idea of the EU, but don’t actually know anything about it. Of the 3 current federations, which one would you like the EU to become? Russia? China? USA?

              Ok. Let’s do some simple maths re wasted money

              66b wasted plus 66b opportunity cost plus 66b to redo the work that was meant to have been done. That’s 198b… And that assumes biodiversity hasn’t got worse, which it has, so it will cost more. Why do you defend failure?

              And no, the UK hasn’t spent 200b on brexit. You are demonstrating stunning levels of economic illiteracy now.

              When I present you evidence of EU incompetence and corruption, you claim this as evidence of competence and purity. 😂

              How about UVL and her disappearing texts?


              And no, I won’t defend yet another power structure, I’m not a nationalist, I think all politicians have the opportunity to be corrupt, I don’t think that them being in Westminster or Brussels makes a blind bit of difference. You just prefer corruption with a nice accent and better coffee 😂.

                1 year ago

                undefined> Lol, you are like most remain voters I encounter, you like the idea of the EU, but don’t actually know anything about it. Of the 3 current federations, which one would you like the EU to become? Russia? China? USA?

                Mate one of the first posts you made on this contained 2 factually incorrect statements and none of your links have backed up your claims.

                If me pointing this out makes me a typical remain voter, well I suppose that shows just how much more informed we are than you typically Brexit blind types.

                66b wasted plus 66b opportunity cost plus 66b to redo the work that was meant to have been done. That’s 198b…

                Oh well in that case, £200 bn lost, plus 200bn to re do all that work when we do eventually join and then another eleventy billion for things I made up just like you.

                And no, the UK hasn’t spent 200b on brexit. You are demonstrating stunning levels of economic illiteracy now.

                OBR says otherwise.

                You’ve already demonstrated you’re willing to make incorrect statements (charitable) and unsupported claims, bit rich to be saying anything about others literacy.

                When I present you evidence of EU incompetence and corruption, you claim this as evidence of competence and purity.

                I never said that though.

                I said

                ’ I think those are both fantastic examples of accountability’ which is an entirely different statment

                Do you always make up these straw men to knock down,do you think putting words in your debate opponents mouth is a god way to argue? You are simply incapable of responding to the actual point that’s been stated or something?

                I’m not a nationalist,

                You voted for fucking Brexit mate, and you’re defending it. If you aren’t a nationalist, you’re in bed getting fleas off them.

                Honestly, you ‘lexiters’ are more deluded than the most red faced sun reading UKIPers.

                    1 year ago

                    Sure, the OBR says 4% GDP loss per year.

                    3.1 trillion per year GDP, let’s make it 5% just to make it easy

                    150 billion per year, x 2+ years, it’s well over 200bn.

                    Bloomberg also agrees


                    So, you going to accept this fact then? or is it going to be fingers in ears?

                    Your Google fu sucks as does your critical thinking skills

                    What is this supposed to prove?

                    I’m saying, they have 2 of the largest companies in the world you’ve pointed to a company with 34 employees and 2 farms (1 in construction) In farm in Germany has 422 employees (source linkedin for both) so it’s 10 times as big a company as the one you linked.

                    Yes, I did vote for it. Very happy with it. Guess it just sucks to be you

                    Haha, yeah I can tell, you won’t accept reality, you can’t accept you’ve made a huge mistake, you can’t handle the truth!

                    Like I said, you’re all remarkably gullible, I mean similar.

                1 year ago

                Yet again I go to read your link to see what you are talking about and yet again it’s not what you say.

                Okay so the NYT wants to read the texts, how does that show evidence of ‘corruption’?

                I mean, maybe we will see them and something will be uncovered, but as of right now you have nothing. If she’s corrupt then I hope they throw the book at her. You’ve not provided any evidence for your claim though. Again.