There is a massive ribbon cable coming out the bottom. He could have contracted a few samples from an OLED manufacturer or it’s a component to a commercial product not available for sale.
This channel has been uploaded vids of these screens for 8 months now. Is there some more tangible info on how these came about?
I don’t think you can diy this in a garage?
Their description reads
I made a moving digital card of Blue Archive Mika using two flexible OLED displays.
As a bonus, I made it possible to switch between the ones I made in the past. Prototype
One commenter says you can buy these kinds of displays on Amazon. Another responds AliExpress. Another reply says
650 USD for just one display. Did I read that right?
So they’re not exactly inexpensive. Which is, of course, not unexpected, given it’s a new kind of product, relatively recent tech.