Talk about your recent reads here with your fellow community members!

Everyone is welcome to discuss and share ideas on what they’ve been into this past week/month. This is where you can get suggestions for new manga while also connecting with those reading the same series.

Feel free to write a whole essay or just a sentence. Ask for recommendations and/or give them. Just comment on whatever you feel. The goal is to get users talking so the more the merrier. Just remember to be respectful because we’re all here to talk about what we love and have fun while doing so.

    2 years ago

    I also miss dunking on Kanojo, Okarimishimasu. It’s not even bad in a fun way by itself. I only read more so because people making fun of it was funny.

    I also am really enjoying Healing Mage. I don’t know how far you are, but currently, it seems to be building a pretty solid main party different from the one it introduces if that might make it better. But tbf, I didn’t have much of a problem with the party splitting in the first place, so idk.

    I need to start reading the paladin one again. Eventually.

      2 years ago

      Yeah, I think I just wasn’t really a fan of the disappearing princess arc because I have enjoyed the series more since they moved past it. I think I also just enjoyed the opening cast of characters so much (Rose and the other healing mages in particular), that I am missing them. I am really looking forward to the anime adaptation in Winter as the first part of the story was my favorite part.