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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/Dvalin_Ras93 on 2024-06-26 18:09:04+00:00.

Original Title: Watching the Rambo series for the first time, and noticed how muted and somewhat realistic the gun effects were, and it made me wonder: what was the first movie to really popularize the modern, unrealistic fireballs of Hollywood?

I’ve tried googling this a few times, and can’t really get any definitive results.

Watching First Blood parts 1 and 2, they got gun effects and recoil quite accurate: just puffs of smoke if anything with pretty much zero over-the-top fireballs that make you think the gun is seconds away from exploding. For an 80’s movie, I’d totally expect there to be super dramatic muzzle flashes for an action flick, especially part 2, but the blanks they used (assuming they used blanks) seemed to be quite realistic.

Honestly, as poorly rated as First Blood Part 2 is, I find it to be a really fun, action-packed military drama that focuses on the badassery of John Rambo, which I felt was an alright evolution from the emotionally charged allegorical Part 1 that focuses on Rambo’s trauma and coming to terms with it, alongside being a message of the struggles that Vietnam Veterans experienced when they came home (which isn’t a problem for me, I loved part 1 just as much as I love part 2). That may be a hot take, I dunno, but I really enjoy Part 2.