All three Steam Deck models have joined Steam’s 20th Anniversary sale, marking the third time Valve’s handheld PCs have gone on sale—the first was back in March, and the second during the Steam Summer Sale a few months ago.

It’s the same discount as last time: 20% off the 512GB version, which brings it to $519.20 ($129.80 off). That’s the same price as one of Valve’s certified refurbished 512GB Steam Decks, which are sold out at the moment. The 256GB and 64GB versions have received smaller 15% and 10% discounts for this sale, respectively.

Steamdeck page on Steam

  • geosoco@kbin.socialOP
    1 year ago

    afaik, they’re identical except for the SSD and an anti-glare coating on the 512gb one.

    If you’re comfortable opening them up, you can upgrade the SSD yourself. it’s a standard m.2. I think there’s a lot of online videos and docs on how to do it. THe benchmarks i saw found many m.2 ssds run faster (and slightly warmer) than the steam one.

    If that’s the case, you can probably swing the 64gb and call it a day. it’s a pretty great deal for that.

    If you’re not into that, it depends on how many games you want installed at the same time and what type of games you want to play.