I was blessed with a strong body. Even as I age my reflexes are still there. My whole body coordination still exists. I am still strong, physically adaptable, and can lose weight easily. Any physical activity is not yet out of reach I’ve found. However…
My metabolism has slowed.
Injuries heal slower.
I have some pains I didn’t have before.
I do get tired more easily.
It catches us all in different ways. I’ve been luckier than most in some aspects, feel it I still do and it’ll only get worse.
I was blessed with a strong body. Even as I age my reflexes are still there. My whole body coordination still exists. I am still strong, physically adaptable, and can lose weight easily. Any physical activity is not yet out of reach I’ve found. However…
My metabolism has slowed.
Injuries heal slower.
I have some pains I didn’t have before.
I do get tired more easily.
It catches us all in different ways. I’ve been luckier than most in some aspects, feel it I still do and it’ll only get worse.