Chalmers: You know, this socialism is quite similar to the capitalism they have in Nordic countries.
Skinner: Hohoho, no! Patented American Socialism! Old DSA recipe.
Chalmers: For socialism?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: Yes. And you call this socialism despite the fact the bourgeoisie still control the means of production. [Chalmers points to a factory that is privately owned by Skinner]
Skinner: Y- Uh… you know, the… One thing I should… excuse me for one second.
Chalmers: Of course.
[Skinner enters and leaves the factory swiftly upon seeing it is using child labour]
Skinner: [pretends to yawn] Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I’m pooped.
Chalmers: Yes, I should be-- [notices the child labour] GOOD LORD, WHAT IS HAPPENING IN THERE!?
Skinner: free education?
Chalmers: Uh… Free education!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the suburb, localized entirely within your factory!?
Skinner: Yes.
Chalmers: …May I see it?
Skinner: …No.
[They exit the house as the a child is heard being told to work faster by the floor manager.]
Floor manager (voice): BOSS!!! THESE NEW EMPLOYEE KIDS ARE TOO SLOW!!!
Skinner (looking up): No, Willie, they’re just here for education.
Chalmers: Well, Seymour, you are an odd fellow, but I must say… you do a good socialism.
[As Chalmers begins heading home, the sound of child workers crying can be heard, causing Chalmers to look back towards the house. Skinner gives him a thumbs up and a fake smile, causing him to keep walking away. Once Chalmers is out of sight, Skinner rushes back into the house to deal with the children.]
fantastic, if I had any artistic talent whatsoever I would do a rough animation of this