Here’s the corresponding source code for, e.g., one of the four tooltips given as an example

Samples can either be in Material 2 or 3 according to your preferences.
You have interactive examples of :
- 1 Badge ;
- 2 Bottom App ;
- 3 Bottom Sheet ;
- 6 Buttons ;
- 6 Cards ;
- 3 Checkboxes ;
- 11 Chips ;
- 5 Date pickers ;
- 3 Dialogs ;
- 3 FAB(, floating action buttons) ;
- 3 Extended FABs ;
- 8 Icons ;
- 3 Lists ;
- 4 Menus ;
- 2 Navigation Bar ;
- 3 Navigation Drawers ;
- 3 Navigation rails ;
- 4 Progress indicators ;
- 2 Radio buttons ;
- 2 Search bars ;
- 7 Sliders ;
- 5 Snackbars ;
- 2 Switches ;
- 9 Tabs ;
- 12 Text fields ;
- 4 Tooltips ;
- 3 Time pickers ;
- and 6 Topbars.

Also, does anyone know of a more suitable community on Lemmy to exchange this kind of information ?