Our volunteer cherry tomatoes have gone hard this past week, putting on tons of new growth and starting to fruit as well! Our slicers kind of gave up with the hot spell but are back to flowering and I’m looking forward to some really juicy ones.

This past week has seen me doing more forestry than gardening, though I personally conflate the two (I’m just pruning some rather large plants). I’m in the process of typing a write up to some video I shot which details what I’m doing - I’d like to post the video for you all, but I want to accommodate those of you who don’t have the time or desire for ~19 minutes of me talking.

Here is a picture of a bee napping on some Joe Pye weed:

  • David From Space@orbiting.observer
    7 months ago

    I’ve started a bunch of mesclun to keep the Baby Greens Train rolling! The garden is providing green beans, and the torrent of tomatoes has just begun. The Shishito peppers are coming in nicely, and the ground cherries have started dropping off the plants!