• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I have had no interaction with anyone from Hexbear. Personally do not support Russia or the CCP, But I also stand against defederation, regardless of their stances on any topic. It doesn’t make someone a “inflammatory troll” just because they hold different opinions than you. Even if there really are inflammatory trolls coming from that server, it should be enough to block them if you personally dislike them. In general, it’s healthy to expose ourselves to a wide diversity of opinions, and to respectfully discuss topics with people who disagree with us.

  • Like so many other people in this thread, you are conflating the principle of free speech with the US First Amendment. Do they not teach this stuff in Civics Class anymore? The First Amendment is predicated on free speech. Free speech is fundamental to western civilization. The first Amendment is only applicable to government, whereas the principle of free speech is applicable to everyone in western civilization. We must all uphold free speech for all people, lest western civilization collapses.

    In a free society, we have the downvote button for content we personally dislike. You’re free to criticize their beliefs, and you’re free to try to change their minds. But as soon as you try to silence anyone, you become an enemy of free society. We must all work to uphold western civilization, while realizing that it most certainly will always provide a platform for people (including ourselves) to explore all manner of ideas freely.

  • I know what nationalism is, thank you. I also know what American Exceptionalism is, and it’s a well established doctrine, well rooted in fact. I might have failed to explain it well, or maybe you just didn’t want to question your preconceived beliefs. Either way, American Exceptionalism is the real deal, and no amount of bickering over it could change my mind. Thank you, though, for sharing your perspective with me.

  • Here’s the thing: I’m tired and headed to sleep. This has been a long and meandering conversation full of disagreements, with no real point. It’s a bit exhausting. You’re asking me about a topic that has been written about extensively in multiple books and articles. You can look up “American Exceptionalism” if you really want researched facts with academic citations. I was just giving you my honest thoughts, as a rather sleepy individual. I’m sorry those thoughts weren’t up to snuff for you.

  • Ha, it’s not fascist to click downvote. You wrote something I believed to be false, so I downvoted. If it really hurts your feelings I can take it back. I do enjoy mutually respectful debate. I don’t think a downvote is all that disrespectful, and I also don’t think we’re having much of a debate. (What’s the topic exactly?)

    By what metric?

    By a ton of metrics, but a few that come to mind off the top of my head:

    • We’re predominantly Christian, and that’s not an official religion like in some other countries, but actual self-reported religious affiliation.
    • People flock here from all over the world for our freedom, and always have since our inception.
    • Our Constitution was the first to establish that God-given rights are the basis for a free people’s self-governance, and that constitution has been imitated worldwide, though never paralleled.
    • Our culture of self-defense makes us impossible to invade, because most people are armed and more than ready to take down attackers.
    • We invented almost every useful technology that has been invented since our inception, including this here internet and the electrical generators that power it.
    • We invented country music. 'Nuff said.

  • I understand that some citizens of various other countries see themselves as part of an interconnected global world, where countries are fungible. And to be fair, a few Americans think that too. But in reality the US is far removed from all other countries, and we’re blessed with being the greatest country possible, so a foreign perspective really doesn’t impact us at all.

    So you’re right to say I’m uninformed — indeed we all are, somewhat, depending on the holes in our areas of focus — but you’re wrong to say my conclusions are not based on facts. Because my conclusions are entirely factual within the context of the US.

    If I’m incorrect outside of that context, well okay, I’ll take your word on that. But so? It just seems like such an irrelevant point to make.

  • Perhaps — I have no idea about the rest of the world — but Fox serves an American audience, so that’s the context in which it’s appropriate to evaluate it.

    As a conservative, when I look at the Fox News website, I typically think all of the following: A) these stories are notably well-balanced compared to the other mass media outlets, B) man, they publish some really stupid articles on this site, C) Why do the articles all have huge videos that are completely unrelated to the articles on top of them?, and D) Yikes, the comment section sure does feature some openly racist remarks sometimes.

    But outside of Fox, in the US, there are generally two types of news organizations: large-and-leftist and tiny-and-conservative.

  • Yikes, thank you for calling out me out on this. I definitely did not mean to threaten anyone. I see how it could have been interpreted that way though, so thank you! What I meant is that if this dispute is eventually to devolve into a literal war, I will go to battle to fight in favor of free speech. So it’s not quite right to say I was hyperbolic, but at the same time I was certainly not threatening anyone.

    Based on your last paragraph, it honestly sounds like you and I mostly agree on this topic. And yes, if kbin started shutting down objectionable magazines, I’d close my account.

    As your final point, thank you, I take that as a complement, though I’m no TERF, by any means, and I understand you didn’t mean it as a complement. I really do support free speech that genuinely and completely.

  • No, like several others in this thread you are conflating the principle of the freedom of speech with the US First Amendment. They are not the same thing. The First Amendment was predicated on the principle of the freedom of speech. The principle of the freedom of speech is foundational to western civilization, and is applicable to kbin. The US First Amendment is inapplicable here, as it only applies to the government.

    When you support free speech, the specific nature of the speech doesn’t matter. I’m no TERF, or even close, but I’d gladly fight and die to protect their right to say whatever they believe, no matter how repulsive it may be.

    No private citizen is obligated to support freedom of speech — legally that’s correct. But for those of us who live in the West, we must fight to uphold western civilization lest it crumble around us. It’s a moral duty, not a legal obligation. And once freedom of speech is abolished, goodbye kbin, and goodbye to all of our ability to express any of our thoughts in any context.