• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 11th, 2023


  • I don’t 100% know if this is what mockingmoniker is getting at, but I want to give a word of possible explanation from my own perspective: Christians make a distinction between “sin” and “sinner” - or are at least supposed to. It’s my understanding from being sent to Christian school that people are decieved or led astray or get tempted or whatever, but it’s the actions that are “sinful” or “evil” or “demonic,” not the persons. This is the meaning of “hate the sin but love the sinner” - which is not actually in the bible btw. There are some verses that address this, for example Romans 5:8 or Ezekiel 33:11 in which God says he isn’t happy about the death of wicked people but would rather they turn from their ways and live. Look up that one- it literally says “turn back from your evil ways, for why do you die, Oh house of Israel?” Still relevant. But I’m going off topic.

    Of course, Christians are people too, and are generally pretty poor at following their own code of conduct. Also there are plenty of wolves in sheep’s clothing that use theological language for their own worldly goals, and it can be difficult to know which is which. Generally people in worldly positions of power that use theological language are the latter.

  • I think he’s probably right, or he could be right.

    It’s no wonder that ecology is often used as a metaphor for economy. They are both very complex systems with many subsystems that interact in multiple ways. An event or input can have short term results, but also long term consequences that manifest after years and last for years.

    If we accept that as true, then we must also accept that some of the economic difficulties we are facing today can’t be laid entirely at Biden’s feet, but were in fact caused by the short term thinking and mismanagement of the previous president.

    Clear-thinking observers will go further: one of the members here likes to repeat “life under Trump was good” but it stands to reason that much of the ecconomic success during Trump -or perhaps more properly despite him- were actually due to Obama.

    Obama was a disappointing president in many ways, but his administration did a somewhat ok job of digging america out of a financial crisis. That financial crisis he inherited -due to republican deregulation.

    In conclusion, the real issue here is capitalism, and the ongoing problem caused by commodifying things that should never have become market commodities. It doesn’t matter who tries to operate this shitty ill-designed system, whether it is republicans or democrat collaborators. The results are the same.

  • Bongo_Stryker@lemmy.catoConservative@lemm.eeCNN
    1 month ago


    The CNN report also stated that the Manafort surveillance began after he became the subject of an FBI investigation in 2014. Some commentators cited this report as vindication for Trump’s claims, while others noted that it did not confirm the accuracy of Trump’s original tweets, and that it is still unknown whether any surveillance of Manafort took place at Trump Tower.[6][7] Manafort owned a condominium in Trump Tower from 2006 until its seizure by federal authorities following his 2018 convictions.[8][9

    “I don’t think this is saying what this community want to believe it’s saying.” -GreatTitEnthusiast

  • WOAH WOAH WOAH did Biden cut off bombs to Israel because they wouldn’t dig up dirt on Barron? Then yes, I don’t see any other course of action possible.

    Edit: I am told it may be because members of the democratic constituency are demanding an end to the indiscriminate bombing of unarmed noncombatant civilian baby-children.

    If there was no favor or quid pro quo demanded in return for these bombs, but instead the move is actually a half-assed attempt to reduce civilian casualties then it’s not the same thing at all.

  • Foolish Bongo, you will never receive any admission of wrongdoing by Israel from those who adore her. They demand to hear the condemnation of hamas.

    Therefore, yes ok, I condemn Hamas. Fuck hamas! Let them all be separated from this world and sent for divine judgment.

    But this isn’t enough. You must also agree that Israel should expand her borders.

    You must also agree that there is no such thing as a Palestinian, it is a media invention.

    You must agree that a two state solution is unthinkable, can never happen, at any cost.

    You must agree that the lives of any non-jewish person in east Jerusalem, in the west bank, in Gaza are worthless.

    You must agree they should all be killed, men women and children because they are all hamas.

    You must agree that anyone who does not accept these prepositions as absolute truth and fact is antisemitic, is a nazi, is also hamas.

    Well that’s going too far for me and I can’t agree with that.

  • Ok, I will admit to some hyperbole.

    But what about this: I have read here and there that Netanyahu has for years supported hamas. There were accusations of leaked secret military plans and suitcases of cash being delivered to hamas. Of efforts to curb the activities of the palestine authority but no such effort to disrupt hamas. Of course I don’t know if any of these accusations are true or not. This is the kind of stuff one reads in Haaretz, which admittedly, as all media, has a bias.

    Still, could these allegations be true? And, if so, how striking that when Netanyahu was in both political and legal trouble, the pogrom of Oct 7 preserved his position. The suspicious and conspiratorial minded among us might try to make something there, however I don’t want to make any suggestions like that.

  • Bongo_Stryker@lemmy.catoConservative@lemm.eeBiden's economic advisor
    2 months ago

    Neat how his hand jumps from one place to the other in the blink of an eye. It makes me wonder how much editing this clip received and what was the context. It’s possible he’s as dumb as he appears.

    On the other hand, I have seen plenty of people speak with both eloquence and confidence about monetary and economic policy that seem very intelligent and convincing but later turned out to be shoveling out a load of bullshit.

  • For months, any criticism of Israel’s government was met with accusations of antisemitism, accusations of being “pro-hamas”. Now that I am pointing out there is criticism of Israel’s government coming from Israeli citizens inside Israel, the discussion I see generated avoids the actual topic and goes like: Well Hamas is very bad and has committed terrible atrocities and the IDF may have made a few regrettable mistakes but ackchyually white phosphorus is not illegal…

    Why is it so hard for anyone to admit there could be valid reasons to be unhappy with Israel’s government - reasons that are not antisemitic or pro-hamas, neither marxist nor nazi, but practical reasons relating to good governance not only for Palestine but Israel itself?

  • Well what could be going on in Israel, if people are unhappy with Netanyahu’s handling of the war (killing Israeli hostages, for example) and unhappy with Israel’s extremist right wing government in general? Do you suppose this criticism is coming from hippie leftist antisemitic hamas supporters? My conservative friends tell me any criticism of Israel’s a government is certainly hippie leftist nazi antisemitic hamas-loving woke transgender propaganda.

    If I understand the timeline correctly, in September, Netanyahu was unpopular, in trouble for corruption, and people were demonstrating in the streets. Suddenly, there was an attack and all dissatisfaction with Likud and Netanyahu vanished.

    How could Israel’s security forces have blundered so badly to allow such an attack, resulting in a long war agsinst a shadowy guerrilla enemy that you can never be completely sure you’ve defeated? A war that seems to keep Netanyahu in power. I’m just asking questions.

  • Protestors against the expansion of the Vietnam war into Cambodia were called “communists” “bums” and “disloyal to the United States”. Some were killed by national guardsmen, firing into the crowd of American citizens.

    Protestors against the South Africa apartied system were called “communists” “terrorists” and “thugs”. Nelson Mandela remained on US terror watch lists until 2008.

    I reject and condemn the human rights violations of the Viet Nam war, I reject and condemn the South African Apartied system and I reject and condemn the deliberate killing of unarmed civilian noncombatants of any nation.

    Call me what you will.