BountifulEggnog [she/her]

Autistic, newly hatched trans girl i-spil-my-jice

Love to talk, feel free to DM here or on matrix.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023

  • I haven’t seen that issue here, broadly speaking.

    Some of what you suggest is very subtle, and many people wouldn’t notice it being done to other users. It seems like a very direct, but subtle, way for moderators to pick sides and show users they like/don’t like different treatment. With removing comments, it is obvious to everyone a comment was removed and checking to make sure the decision was fair is easy. Collapsing a comment because you don’t think its great is subtle enough for other users not to notice, and is a very subjective ruling.

    Giving them subtle tools is what encourages power. Right now, if a mod doesn’t like what I post, they have to justify the removal. They don’t have to justify collapsing because “oh it was just low effort” or something like that. With a removal, the reason needs to be concrete and defensible. Which is good, that’s the role I feel moderators should have. Remove things for clearly defined reasons.

  • Yea, obviously vigilante justice comes with issues.

    With prison abolition, its not necessarily against ‘separating someone from society’.

    But that’s… Imprisoning them? If we trap abusers in a place they can’t leave, that’s a prison.

    prison itself is a threat for more violence to victims in many cases (for example, vigilante justice against your rapist will send you there to be further raped).

    Yes, and I don’t want such people sent to prison. Or speeders, or drug “crimes” or probably other things. But I still think we need to remove people from others, and I suppose a prison is less severe then just killing 'em.

    If it were a fairly normal community, except it is separated from society, that is far more acceptable I think.

    But you do need to make sure they can’t leave, physically. How would that not be a prison? I mean we could improve on our current prisons a lot, and should. But when I start imagining how you would actually, physically keep potentially dangerous people away from society…

    Also I just don’t think child abusers deserve that.

  • So I’ll start off by saying I’m not a victim. I suppose technically people have touched me in ways that made me feel uncomfortable, but I’m kinda fine with it now (okay coming back after writing this maybe I need to process my feelings and fears about it more). My heart goes out to you so much meow-hug I hope you are in a good place now.


    I understand how much suffering pedophiles must go through. Just being celibate can be hard, and I imagine knowing you will never be able to change that (in an acceptable way) must be horrible. A lot of pedophiles are able to not offend, and I do feel bad for them.

    I still think child rapists should be killed. Maybe that is impractical, maybe they’d be more likely to kill victims so it can’t actually work in reality, but they genuinely should die. It is one thing to suffer, it is another to inflict such suffering on someone else (especially a child). Legitimately human garbage, worth more as fertilizer. The most disgusting thing a person could ever do. If they actually felt empathy for their victims, they could not live with themselves. Them being alive is proof they still only care about themselves.

    For me, restorative justice is 100% what the victim wants to happen.

    I suppose if that’s what the victim truly wants. Like I said, I haven’t been so I suppose my thoughts on the subject don’t matter. Maybe I’m too vengeful, but idk. People have done less and I want them punished. There are lots of bigots that I think deserve to die. Not all, not all offenses are the same level of egregious though.

    What if we could constantly monitor them to make sure they hurt no one else?

    This seems impossible, outside of imprisoning them for life. Locking someone up alone forever seems worse then death to me, but hey shrug-outta-hecks

    But it sounds like you have a lot more faith in people then I do, so that’s cool. Positive outlooks are cool, glad you have one.

    I’ll probably watch this later, I would be surprised if my mind was changed on this topic though. Sorry if this comment upsets you or anything, usually I stay out of this discussion (because I’m not a victim of csa).