• 32 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • For anyone wondering, this sort of blatant Russian propaganda is evaluated using a higher level of scrutiny but will be tolerated so long as the content can be reasonably interpreted as not intending to incite or belittle Ukrainians.

    In this specific example, the claim ‘an Ukrainian assault by untrained and inexperienced prisoners was annihilated with ease’ would be in violation if it wasn’t so absurd, unsupported by the footage, and laughable.

    Why allow it? Ukrainian ideals include things like ‘freedom of the press/information’. In times of war this has significant limitations ofc but I for one am interested in hearing ‘their side’ of events as they happen so long as it is done in a neutral voice. Many truths can be gleaned from lies for people savvy enough to read between the lines.

    Rest assured this is not an open invitation for Russian bots to start spamming propaganda. This community will NOT become a Tankie Hellhole.

  • It is not difficult to aim up or down. In fact, the greater the angle from horizontal the less the bullet trajectory is affected by gravity. It literally shoots straighter. Well trained shooters will understand this and compensate for it easily. That video talks about air rifles, the ballistics of which are not relevant to aiming the weapons being used to shoot at drones.

    The real issue is that it is very difficult to judge the distance and speed of objects in the sky as there are few objects to gauge the target’s distance against. Let alone that the shooter may have no idea the actual size of the craft they are trying to shoot down.