• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • The economy may be booming per statistics, but who is it benefiting, people who need the benefit, or no?

    The answer is low wage workers

    That is excellent news and something that I did not know. It certainly isn’t being publicized. Like you I agree that the media is mostly to blame, especially for the part where you mention “my local economy is great but the country’s sucks!”. They have a vested interest in keeping people on edge and hungry for more info, which is terrible and one of the reasons I think we should have a hell of a lot more nonpartisan publicly funded news sources than we do. Not to mention bringing back the Fairness Doctrine.

  • I don’t think most people feel their buying power has caught up with the greedflation we saw over the last few years. Statistics can be made to say anything.

    I am firmly in the upper middle class bracket so I’ve been insulated from it, but I am constantly seeing news about the crunch that the lower economic classes are feeling, and it seems reasonable to me. We are inundated with evidence that younger generations can’t afford housing, can’t afford groceries, etc. The economy may be booming per statistics, but who is it benefiting, people who need the benefit, or no? That’s the real question and I think the dissatisfaction a lot of people feel is a marker that it’s not as simple as what the numbers might show.

  • There’s no such thing as ‘everyone else is wrong’ when it comes to taste in art. I was just providing my viewpoint that was in agreement with Rick’s. I don’t think he even discussed compensation to artists in this video, he’s just talking about how much people value music today vs in years past.

    There’s nothing wrong with enjoying mechanical music. I love some of it, in fact I’m currently on a big psytrance kick. But I agree with him that most of it coming out in the last 20 years is garbage. And it’s perfectly ok to disagree with that. I never said people suck if they like modern stuff. I just think it’s mostly shit. :)

    Edit: fact is, most of the music coming out at ANY time is garbage, and always has been - we only remember the good stuff from the past because everybody forgot about all the other trash