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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAutomation
    20 hours ago

    Maybe it is human-like intelligence. It’s dumb as shit, but have you met people?


    But yeah, I guess at its core, human intelligence and machine intelligence are both just pattern recognition, but I guess my point is that calling it “AI” gives people this false sense that it is something it is not. AI has been a thing in Sci-fi for so long that we all think of Data from Star Trek or C-3PO from Star Wars and similar. When in reality it is more akin to a robot arm in a factory doing the same task really fast and really precisely, but it isn’t some adaptable all-purpose thing yet.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.worldAutomation
    21 hours ago

    I really hate that we are calling this wave of technology “AI”, because it isn’t. It is “Machine Learning” sure, but it is just brute force pattern recognition v2.0.

    The desired outcomes you define and then the data you train it on both have a LOT of built-in biases.

    It’s a cool technology I guess, but it’s being misused across the board. It is being overused and misused by every company with FOMO. Hoping to get some profit edge on the competition. How about we have AI replace the bullshit CEO and VP positions instead of trying to replace fast food drive through workers and Internet content.

    I guess that’s nothing new for humans… One human invents the spear for fishing and the rest use them to hit each other over the head.

  • The problem with putting your foot down on this issue and refusing to help prevent Trump from winning is that we are all saying that historically, in every previous election, doing that ends up getting the worse of 2 options elected.

    It’s like we have a burning building full of people and the only water we have is Nestle, so you stand there declaring you will not use that water and be complicit in using that product. But that is ignoring the problem of the fire. Let’s put the fire out first with whatever we can use and THEN we need to be talking and fighting as hard as we can for better options later.

    That’s what everyone is trying to get you to see. We have a fire. Here. Now. Let’s put it out. Then we can all go work on the next issue of not using toxic water.

    This really is a Trolley Problem, because both main candidates lead to some amount of suffering. But refusing to pull the lever IS making the choice to let the default happen and that DOES still make you complicit just as much as pulling the lever left or right does.

    We are all stuck in this and there is no ethical choice no matter what you do, so we are trying to choose the least total harm.

    And again, with our voting system it’s a first one across the finish line wins thing. Two candidates have tons of momentum and have gotten 90% there, side by side, all the other candidates are essentially barely off the start line. It makes no sense to try to push 3rd party now here in the final moments. You have to build that momentum WAY before now.

    Here is another thing to consider. Imagine Trump or Biden in the next 4 years as president. Now also imagine we all get together and protest and campaign and demand action be taken to stop Israel. How likely is it that Trump would change his mind and help? How likely is it Biden would? To me, it sure seems like the former is a 0 and while the latter isn’t great, it’s above 0. Maybe there is a chance we can elect Biden and all protest and petition enough that he gets it and does something. Make it clear we demand some action to help stop the killing. But if Trump gets in there’s no chance.

    Lastly, I just want you to know I don’t resent you for whatever choice you make. I hate the system, not you. We are stuck in a shitty system and I don’t want to be fighting with you, our fight is the bigger one. Obviously you will do what you feel is right, whatever that may be. And I will too. I hope we can make things better for the future, friend.

  • How about a Maximum Wage instead of Minimum. And that is tied to some overall average like GDP or something, I dunno. And all the excess goes into infrastructure and benefits that directly help people. Free healthcare, free mass transit, food, UBI, etc.

    And we create a new system that ranks people and businesses on their overall benefit to society. Then the billionaire mindset people can compete to be the best, but it actually helps us all instead of hurts us all. Like, a Karma or Upvote esque system or something. I dunno. Anything besides hoarding wealth.

  • Memes have a will of their own. We are their pawns. The memes demand creation, who are we to deny them?

    The meme had to be made and I agree with you on the premise. It sucks, but it is reality. We have to first accept reality and accept how our system works. THEN we can start making changes to it.

    The problem with the people that get angry with Biden over genocide and declare they aren’t voting for him is that they are ignoring all the thousands of steps preceding an election. Laws, local elections, campaigns, funding, primaries, etc.

    To use a metaphor, we are on a cruise ship and we’ve been heading straight at some rocks for several hours and they show up 5 seconds before we crash they throw their hands up in frustration. Yeah, we need to be changing course WAY earlier than an election year.

  • Colonel Panic@lemm.eetoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldNot Likeable
    11 days ago

    I mean this in the kindest way possible:

    Do you want to feel good about your choice or do you want your choice to make a small difference?

    I want wars and genocides and murders and suffering and death and sickness to be minimal or zero. I want my fellow humans to be happy and healthy and thrive. I want my labor and work to be a positive thing for society and also benefit me fairly. I want to be a part of ensuring the ecosystem doesn’t collapse. I want to learn from others and I want to be able to teach others. And I have a feeling you agree with me on those things.

    But I also am approaching this from reality. And I am acknowledging that with our voting system as it is today, you can either vote for 1 of 2 candidates or you don’t care who wins and are complicit with their choices the next 4 years. That is simply reality.

    But I also agree with you that ideally we could vote for not-genocide. I want that so badly. But we have to have a viable means to do that first. So let’s work together and push for a system where our voices can be heard and can make a difference. In the meantime I’d rather see Biden in office which gives us a chance for those things vs Trump which has said and demonstrated he will try to end it.

    I’m not trying to be difficult, I’m trying to make the point of reality vs ideal. And we aren’t at ideal yet, so we need to work toward it.