Actually, this town has more than enough room for the two of us

He/him or they/them, doesn’t matter too much

  • 6 Posts
Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: December 31st, 2023

  • Capitalists have their own power. Coming from wealth and private ownership.

    And socialists also have their own. Coming from equality and collectivity.

    What power do Socialists have in a Capitalist system? This makes no sense.

    But I think expecting everything to be all nice, free, equal and collective is too good to be true. You have to be competent, useful and valuable to society.

    Who is saying that everything should be “nice, free, equal and collective?” What does that word salad even mean? Why do you think Socialists wouldn’t be useful to society, and why do you think parasitic Capitalists are useful?

    I have a friend and neighbor that is 68 and never worked in his entire life. Now, he’s quite intelligent but he decided to live on welfare his whole life because he could. I have absolutely zero respect for that. You talk so much about exploitation and abuse. Here’s an example of someone who abused and exploited a socialist system with his laziness and uselessness.

    Not only is Welfare not Socialism, but this person has stolen far less from the Workers than Capitalists do every single day.

    Please, read theory. It’s clear that you’re just vibing your takes and don’t actually understand the underlying mechanisms.

  • But other than that, I think most common trades should come from private property. That’s how businesses and wealth are built. I want this in exchange for that, and money often being involved.

    Wealth for the business owners off the labor of the workers, ie exploitation.

    Also, ownership doesn’t always mean that you don’t work at all, it simply means that you use your resources and what you have adequately. Someone that has a lot of resources can probably manage to not work much, but still has to make important decisions on how to use these resources

    Management is labor, but labor no different than any other labor. It doesn’t entail many, many, many, many times the profits it entitles in Capitalism that comes directly from the Workers.

    We could obviously go into the small details, and I understand that private property can be abused when it goes too far. But that’s why I think we need a healthy balance of socialism and capitalism. Some things should be owned publicly, while other things are owned privately. It’s up to the society to create laws and regulations depending on their values.

    Private Property is abuse no matter how small, because it requires Workers be exploited. Additionally, it cannot last forever, and leads to increasing disparity and increasing exploitation. Society won’t magically legislate better laws, the laws are decided by those with power, ie wealthy Capitalists, and they would not allow their power to be stripped from them.

    Please read any leftist theory. The works I linked would be fantastic for you, but any kind of leftist knowledge would benefit you at this point.

  • I came to Lemmy because I like the free and open source aspect of it from a software perspective. Now, FOSS and communism do share common ideologies about collaboration, community, accessibility, etc. But they are fundamentally different.

    That’s all well and good, but the devs have outright stated that they are Communists and made Lemmy along Communist lines. I didn’t say that because Lemmy is FOSS, but because of what the devs have said.

    I hope you realize that ‘business’ and ‘making money’ usually mean exchange of services. You buy something because you need it. You sell/work something because someone needs it.

    Trade does exist, yes. That’s not Capitalism.

    Generally speaking, from a capitalist perspective, the more money you have, the more useful you are to society. It means that what you have to sell/give/work is more valuable and people need it.

    Completely and hilariously incorrect. The bulk of the money in society is owned by people who contribute the least amount to it and simply gain more money from ownership.

    Socialism isn’t all bad, but generally wants to redistribute resources to people that might not necessarily deserve it. And I think perfect equality is a hoax.

    Socialism wants Worker Ownership of the Means of Production, so the people that contribute to society can control their lives instead of working for warlords as wage slaves. As such, the workers deserve no less than the products of their labor without a parasite sucking it up. Capitalists are parasites that seek income from ownership, not labor.

    What the hell is “perfect equality?” What Socialist has said they want “perfect equality?”

  • Cool, so you’re a self-proprietor, and still think you can magic the system into a bunch of self-proprietorships. Simply “understanding how money works” isn’t all you need to succeed, otherwise the system would work for the vast majority rather than the vast minority.

    You clearly have no actual idea what Socialism is if you think it’s just welfare, it’s worker ownership of the Means of Production. Directing production towards fulfilling needs and uses, rather than the profits and wealth hoarding of the few.

    You do realize Lemmy was made by Communists along Communist principles, right?