• 2 Posts
Joined 1 年前
Cake day: 2023年6月14日


  • Scientists can’t explain it

    Clickbait bullshit headline.

    Oh look it’s explained in the article.

    In this context, they created a solar panel with two faces, a lower one of crystalline silicon with the ability to attract infrared rays and an upper one of perovskite with a higher ability to attract high-energy photons due to having a narrower forbidden broadband.

    The top layer is treated with 2,3,4,5,6-pentafluorobenzylphosphonic acid (yes, it is impossible to repeat it quickly) which offers higher solar panel efficiency and lead treatment. It is then combined with a SiO2 nanoparticle coated substrate that optimizes cell conversion.

    Seems to be perfectly explained to me. Lead treatment means this is unlikely to be adopted in many countries.

  • Cypher@lemmy.worldtolinuxmemes@lemmy.worldCtrl + Shift + A
    12 天前

    The UI is atrocious, the shortcuts are mind blowingly shite and every fucking tutorial on it assumes knowledge.

    There’s a reason Gimp has near zero market share. Pirated Photoshop versions have a higher market share and for good reason.

    Oh and where the fuck is the draw circle tool? OH no you just use an ellipse and STFU and make a circle tool on a button you nerds.

  • Yes, it is compassionate to oppose a war.

    It is not compassionate to support a brutal dictatorship.

    Even if you personally don’t feel one side is human

    Nice strawman you started building, it’s a shame you stopped half way.

    And even if you don’t consider either side human

    Another half attempt at finishing your strawman?

    you know we spend billions

    You’re making a lot of assumptions here.

    keeping South Korea militarized right?

    If only they didn’t have a brutal dictatorship next door.

    We’re still paying


    I suspect that you don’t care about either side’s people

    It only took you three paragraphs to complete your strawman! Congrats you did it.

    defend western hegemony.

    Cry about it tankie scum.