Goadstool [he/him, comrade/them]

I’m a solo indie dev and I made a whole-ass indie RPG! Please check it out, and tell me what you think!

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: February 7th, 2021


  • I’ve been thinking a lot about the best way to normalize vandalism of any and all physical advertisements, and how to get more and more people to wake up and realize that being advertised at is nothing but an assault on your psyche. How do I get more and more normies to realize how infuriating it is that literally no one wants to see this shit, and yet we’re all forced to look at it ALL the time? If enough people hate ads half as much as I do, the world could be a much cleaner, nicer place.

  • So like… what’s the point of going through all the trouble of getting a power of attorney form signed and notarized, if the people you send it to can just be like “nah, doesn’t look legit to me”?

    I’m trying to save my dad’s house from getting foreclosed on while he’s out of the country, and the mortgage company said the PoA he sent me isn’t valid because his signature doesn’t match the signature they have on file. So like… what am I even supposed to do about that. This is some kindergarten-ass “nuh I have a super ultra anti-power-of-attorney-shield!!”

  • What the fuck is up with grass-free internet nerds unironically trying to implement Logan’s Run upon the world?

    Far from the only example but lately I’ve been watching a lot of SF6 tournaments and I swear to god listening to these people talk they seem to genuinely believe that the microsecond you turn 30 you might as well start digging your own grave. Meanwhile actual study data proves that, for example, reaction speed decrease over time is very close to entirely negligible, and practically speaking people like Daigo and Sako are still annihilating top-level players less than half their own age. Daigo got fuckin’ 33rd place this year at EVO, out of over 5,500 entrants, and got 33rd place last year as well, in a tournament of over 7,000 entrants. But did he fuckin’ win the whole thing? No? Then it must be because he is ancient, unable to function, despite regularly performing all the game’s reaction-based mechanics, such as (and most talked about) Drive Impact. It can’t possibly be that there are so many more people playing the game now, or that people simply have more shit going on (marriage, kids, mortgages, personal branding, etc) as they proceed through life, and thus have less time to spend in the training room.

    George Foreman won a heavyweight championship at 45 years old. He kept fighting to 48. These dweebs really think people can’t press buttons in a fuckin’ video game for at least that long?

    Anyway shut the fuck up James Chen, go talk to a therapist or some shit, I don’t need to hear you complain about yourself and players getting old 89 times at every fucking tournament you commentate for. This mindset is toxic, not based in reality, and creates a very sad, manufactured reality in the minds of many that if you’re not 29 or younger, you’re not relevant, in fighting games, or - in many ways - in life.
