They didn’t sign NAFTA, the conservatives did that.
Gros Michel, often translated and known as “Big Mike”, is an export cultivar of banana and was, until the 1950s, the main variety grown. The physical properties of the Gros Michel make it an excellent export produce; its thick peel makes it resilient to bruising…
They didn’t sign NAFTA, the conservatives did that.
Historian Søren Mørch has characterized the Danish cuisine as a “garbage kitchen” of insipid, sweet and unspiced “baby food” where the tastes of milk and sweetness form the key elements. He believes that it arose because the export policy of the Danish food sector was to use the Danish home market as a “gutter” for left-over products, after high-quality bacon and butter had been sold abroad. Skimmed milk, meat scraps only suitable for chopping up, and the replacement product margarine are all products which Søren Mørch describes as residue products.[119]
Honestly. Maybe he’s onto something. Maybe one of our beloved dirtbag left podcasts (except YKS) could do something cool for once.
Good post. I present thee the Banana Cup Trophy of posting.
Elon’s advocate: a loser Elon superfan of that level might copy the way he talks.
cool leftists
aka counter-cultural lifestylists.
Also recommend turning the in-game music off after awhile and playing your own dungeon synth albums you enjoy. The snow track in the game is nice but the rest of it’s kinda’ grating and limited and repetitive.
To add to what Frank said, it’s great if you can intrinsically motivate yourself by role-playing your character and stuff. You can just speed through the main quest, I guess, but the game’s best when you use the Unity version and you bumble around doing quests as your character. The character creation system’s pretty robust and varied.
I had a Redguard spellsword and people were racist against me so I had to wander towns trying to find the non-racist NPCs to tell me where the places I was going to were located and my character was afraid of the dark or something so I slept in inns and camped a lot to make sure I was operating during the days and stuff.
Yeah, there’s a setting that shrinks them down. Also there’s a spell in-game you can get that points the compass to the main item in the dungeon too if you really want to make them easier to navigate. Been awhile since I played but I think that’s how those two things worked.
That’s Big League Chew.
And when I asked for $50 on here to get food delivered because I was too tired to cook after I had to spend 2 horus inchworming my way to the bath tub and arduously turn on the hot water tap with my face to dissolve the honey-infused bedsheet straitjacket I was trapped in, I got it. Hexbear has my back.
When my wife wouldn’t stop listening to a loud and looped version of the Reba TV show opening, Hexbear was there for me.
When my wife covered me in honey while I slept and then laughed as I struggled to get out of my cocooned state, Hexbear was there to call me misogynist at first, but after I explained myself most of the people who laughed at me got banned.
Thank you, Hexbear.
Is that why I’m crushing on the girl reading this right now?
I’m not gross.
I remember usernames, yeah. Especially the one of the user that called me “GrossMichael”.
Maybe it’s all under still.
OK, I will!
I was thinking about uploading video of me doing it and commenting on the stages, although it’d be a phone camera pointed at a CRT so I don’t know.
Was watching Top 10 Video & Arcade episodes on YouTube and this Canadian book was advertised. It’s the fictional sequel to a fiction book about Camp X a real thing and this Goodreads review is saying how sympathetic they found the Nazi prisoners in it.
Takes a Canadian to be like “but what about the captured Nazis though?”