
(He/him) Marxist-Leninist and amateur writer. I like cats, foxes, sci-fi, science fantasy, and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Message me for my roleplay ideas! account:

Discord: LinuxFennekin#5514

Reddit: /u/HiddenLayer5

  • 8 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2022


  • Even completely ignoring all the history of the region and how the current State of Israel came to be and only focusing on the present in a vacuum, there is still is a glaring contradiction that I have never heard any sort of coherent answer from people who support Israel’s actions: If you truly believe that simply having a negative opinion of Israel’s actions against Palestinians is antisemitic (or simply being a Palestinian that’s still alive is antisemitic according to too many people), then surely it also holds that both Israel’s outright killing of Palestinians and their ongoing apartheid policies preventing Palestinians from existing in the same areas as Israelis is anti-Arab right? Is being anti-Arabic somehow preferable to being antisemitic? Are Arabs not human beings and do they not deserve the same rights and protection as Jews or literally any other human? What makes it okay for Israel to be anti-Arab then?

    One of the half baked arguments I have heard is that Israel is “justified” in being anti-Arabic because “it’s in self defense against Palestinians that want to kill them,” but if you make that assertion, then what makes the other side different? Israel is certainly not just attacking the Hamas and there have been more Palestinian civilian victims than Israeli civilian victims so wouldn’t you saying that also automatically imply the inverse and equally justify the Hamas’ actions against Israel? You can’t attack someone while claiming self defense and then cry foul when they defend themselves against you. Oh wait sorry that’s whataboutism isn’t it? My bad.

  • Remember: the corporate meetings and university lectures are the tip of the iceberg of the kind of data Zoom has on people.

    Zoom is used by teenage couples to call each other and hang out, which might turn into discussing sexual themes as teenagers dating often do.

    Zoom is used by general-care doctors when their patients describe the rash on their anus.

    Zoom is used by psychiatrists and therapists talking to their patients during some of the most vulnerable and precarious times of their lives.

    Zoom is used by lawyers talking to their clients in all kind of cases, criminal, civil, divorce/family, inheritance, etc.

    Zoom was used by actual fucking courts to hold actual fucking criminal trials. Like bruh the fucking US judiciary department couldn’t have self-hosted one of the many open source and E2EE solutions?

    The fact that they can do this with no oversight or regulatory bodies intervening is utterly ridiculous. Zoom has probably some of the most sensitive data of people’s lives. It is not a social media platform where people know that they shouldn’t put too sensitive information on, it was literally intended and marketed for people to use for sensitive communications. They shouldn’t even be keeping any amount of data after the call ends, IMO, but using it to train an AI (to presumably sell later) is utterly morally bankrupt, and so are the regulatory agencies and lawmakers who could have intervened. Fuck you Zoom, fuck you FCC/FTC/whoever handles data privacy in the US. You want to ban TikTok because of its “national security implications” but don’t bat an eye when it’s a US company doing something far worse huh? Not implying I like TikTok, but TikTok doesn’t have access to live court trials or doctor-patient discussions.

    Yes, we shouldn’t have used Zoom in the first place. But that ship has sailed and most people were forced to use it against their will if their company/university/doctor/lawyer/judge decides to use it, and/or they did not realize the terrible data security/privacy implications of using it. It’s entirely unhelpful to victim blame and go “well you shouldn’t have used Zoom then! Sucks for you” as I see so many people in the FLOSS/privacy community doing. Additionally, that also does not address the actual societal/legislative issues of them being allowed to keep that information and use it for profit.