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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023


  • Misogyny happens everywhere, but it doesn’t help fight it when calling the public misogynists because they didn’t support a dreadful candidate. A man can be a dreadful candidate, and so can a woman.

    The degradation of women’s rights is down to failure of the Democrats to maintain balance in the supreme court. It also represents RBGs inability to step aside when Democrats were in power. Supreme Court justices should have some decency, retire at say 67, and allow a new generation to come along. Clinging on until 87 was insanely risky as you certainly need 5 to 10 years leeway to navigate out on your terms. RBG was eulogised, but her clinging to her seat undermined a careers work and any progress on women’s rights amongst other core rights.

  • UK citizen here. Already had 3 women prime ministers.

    It wasn’t that Hilary was a woman, simply she was more dislikable than Liz Truss and seemed to put nothing out to convince people to vote for her. It wasn’t clear at all what she stood for or what her platform was.

    It came across as entitled and like she took the electorate for granted. No matter how great or good you think you are, or how bad your rival is, you still have to ask the electorate to lend you their vote.

  • “She told the Sunday Telegraph extra money for public services would have to come from economic growth.”

    So no money for public service improvements. They are saying they will do no different to the Tories. So they are happy with the state of almost collapse in the NHS and people waiting on trollies in corridors in winter.

    Celebrating this and that they are getting backed by big business. If you are paid and your decisions are based on that, isn’t that corruption. Celebrating being corrupt? How is this attractive to anyone, left or right?

  • I think you’re understating it. While the op was pretty painless. The wound care can be a little stressful.

    It is a permanent procedure and one really needs to consider if they are happy to go that route. Reversals have a high reversal failure rate that get worse over time. Can not be counted upon. Even if you freeze sperm, IVF is never a guarantee, and not all women are comfortable with it.

    Of course, I did this, and absolutely have no regrets. Probably one of the better decisions I have made. Anxiety has gone, and I feel somewhat safe.

    I didn’t really want to take the permanent route, but had no other choice the was safe. Condom failure rate is high, and trust in regards to other methods is just too much. You want to have full control over your reproduction.