I went from a 1080ti to a 6900xt during the pandemic when I found EKWB selling cards at MSRP. With Nvidia’s pricing and availability issues, I don’t see myself going back anytime soon.
I went from a 1080ti to a 6900xt during the pandemic when I found EKWB selling cards at MSRP. With Nvidia’s pricing and availability issues, I don’t see myself going back anytime soon.
Are you committed to Nvidia? I just looked, and currently 7800XTs can be had for less than $100 more than the 4060ti. I can’t imagine that AMD is going to raise prices that much.
Apple is what Microsoft wishes it could be (minus the difference in market share). That’s personally why I won’t give Apple any of my money. Really not interested in that locked down ecosystem.
Yup. OpenSUSE here.
Maybe it’s kind of a double switch and it’s going to be a 24 GB model?
Gotta have an in-group and an out-group. Might as well have the most blindly obedient, and least critically thinking people as part of your in-group.
No. The problem I have is the label “the liberal”. Not wanting to die in a civil war isn’t exactly a unique political position. There are people of every single political persuasion who aren’t going to be willing to die, or have their children die. That’s just part of being a living being.
Those ideals are lovely. Very few people would argue against any of that as an end goal. The problem is the transition. Most people (myself included) just don’t have enough faith in people to believe that it will happen peacefully. It will require violence. And even people who hardly know anything about history know that civil war is not something they want to have happen to themselves or their children. And so the bread and circuses still work, just as they always have.
In most developed nations, “Rising up against those in power” conjures images of revolution that would make things drastically worse for everyone in that nation, for at least a generation. It’s not hard to see why that’s a tough sell.
I think it’s also going to depend on who the Liberals pick. I think Carney will have a better chance of winning than Freeland.
Just looked. Mine’s showing “Gulf of Mexico” with Gulf of America in brackets underneath.
I switched to contacts when I got a job where I am required to wear safety glasses. Contacts + the normal plastic glasses is just easier to deal with than having to get and replace prescription safety glasses.
Him looking vaguely like Winnie the Pooh, and more being mad about it.
Referring to him as “Winnie the Pooh” has never had anything to do with race, hence why no one uses it to refer to any other Chinese person.
You’ve probably met many who weren’t awful at all. But being not awful, you likely wouldn’t even be aware that they are Christians.
Ironically, with our reactors, it’s actually easier to make weapons materials than it is to make them go boom. It’s one of the reasons why we never sell them to non-nuclear nations.
That’s honestly what worries me the most. I’m pretty sure any actual conflict will look an awful lot like a civil war, and any student of history knows how incredibly bloody those tend to get.
We don’t have them, we just have all the knowledge, skills, and resources to make one.
We could probably whip one up in a month or so. We have all the technology and manufacturing capabilities required. And if CSIS doesn’t have some blueprints squirreled away somewhere, I’m going to be surprised and disappointed.
Maybe they are counting any wars where the British fought? If so, the two world wars would account for a lot of it.