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Cake day: June 17th, 2023

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltomemes@hexbear.nettitle
    21 days ago

    I like to use the analogy (not sure if I made this up or stole it. Oh well) that we’re all in a giant swirling body of water like a tub when you pull the plug at the bottom.

    Those on the outside swirl at a slower-feeling rate, the black hole of death is far off and easily pushed from mind

    Those nearest the black hole just saw their buddies get sucked in and under.

    The ultra wealthy capitalists found out a long time ago that if you simply convince the guys in the middle and outside that they’re actually all in the same tub with them so if you “harm” the capitalists that harm will trickle down causing harm to all. Those who feel safe can see the black hole and fear nothing more than inching closer to being that poor fucker swirling the drain. They cope and willingly believe the clear lies.

    The part they can’t accept is that the capitalists aren’t even in the swirling death bath. They control the tub. They pulled the plug. They created this whole made up fucking thing. So if all the people swirling just sort of banded together, accepted the tub is fictional, and uh, very kindly dealt with the capitalists, they could build an entirely new thing where no one has to swirl and die.

    I should adapt this into a children’s book to compete with those batshit insane ones Rush Limbaugh used to put out (lol, dead)

    Alternatively, crabs in a bucket, etc.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltomemes@hexbear.netwhat if
    1 month ago

    I don’t mean this in a mean way, but to me if you have a gap (and I mean like you create one on the paper) it’s sort of an old school “shouldn’t exist anymore but boomers gonna boom” “intelligence” test. Their attitude is basically “no one I hire will have an employment gap.” So, you just simply do not have a gap. Whether it’s true or not is irrelevant because let’s be honest ain’t no one capable of nor willing to prove or disprove your employment status from Jan-June 2022 (random example). Maybe the IRS or whatever relevant tax agency, maybe law enforcement, sure, but if you’re applying for a job as the sales manager or whatever the fuck at Don’s Dogshit Diaper Emporium… just go ahead and stretch the dates together to fit. You could probably put other shit in there if you did it like completing on-going education credits in your relevant field, but, keeping it simple is best. Even a fucking financial institution, a bank or whatever, won’t bother to figure that gap out when they literally pull on the nitrile gloves and shove their entire fist up to the elbow into your financial asshole looking for any reasons to downgrade your eligibility for a mortgage or give you a shit rate- ask me how I know. So, just lie. If they care enough to find that shit that place absolutely sucks anyway. Or it’s a federal law enforcement agency and you should feel bad and stop doing that anyway.

  • I didn’t watch this stream not because “I have a life” or whatever but just find the DNC shit stale after 4 days. Would’ve liked to see his interviews with AOC, Fain, and Omar, but, alas…

    Anyway, I did watch a bit after this and his “handler” kept saying she didn’t know what happened. Then she said it was a secret service related clear out. Other creators there said they had been cleared out too from that like “social media influencer” area.

    I didn’t watch the latter part of the stream once he left because I honestly don’t really care what Kamala has to say at this point. I doubt he heard much more concrete on what happened or what the reason for the sweep was, but knowing the cucked dems and generally our cucked… everything… it could’ve been literally anything from Obama walking down the hallway to some snitch zoomer sending clips to a staffer who had actual power and just said “shut it all down, boys!”

    He’s been saying the same shit for 4 days though. He literally interviewed Ro Khanna and said Israel is doing a genocide. If they didn’t kick him for that, it doesn’t really make sense to then let him stay for another two days then kick him with like only two hours left before he was leaving anyway.

    I dunno, parasocially and stuff, it felt like 1) every single chatter in there is a moron (someone said fight back lmao) 2) he was just pissed off, understandably, at the total unprofessionalism of the DNC staffers and security towards people they don’t view as important and 3) he’s justifiably paranoid about being attacked or “censored” (but for real, not the way hogs mean it) by the DNC or security for his speech. But, I dunno, why let a dude inside to begin with who has been correctly ass-ripping Biden for 10 months nonstop, let him continue to rip asses for 3.5 days, then boot him in his final hours? You just never let him in if your goal is silencing him. Like Brace and Liz aren’t allowed in (lol). It’s not like his opinions were a secret until minutes before he was kicked. That combined with the secret service and other security having done this before to him I just think he was being disrespected, not necessarily “silenced.” I can believe them being totally incompetent assholes. The easiest answer usually being the right answer and all that.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltomemes@hexbear.net___
    1 month ago

    In addition to everything already suggested, here’s another really small one: retype the url for the site but manually make it https instead of http

    Most browsers, most web hosts and whatever else now days automatically force everything into https, but if the site is older, not well maintained, or whatever reason the person has, they might be utilizing this type of stuff. There’s basically no reason that a publicly hosted website should not have https that I can think of. Locally hosted stuff, sure, but we’re talking just random ass webpage perhaps found on google or something? It should go to a https url otherwise something funky is going on.

    But yeah, add an s and see. Especially if you’ve (against the advice of your browser and OS screaming) turned off the forced automatic https redirect. I’ve turned it off before while messing with stuff and found there are websites still that don’t automatically redirect to https if you mistakenly type http. Seems wild now days but it happens

  • While Tommy sees (and he’s actually correct, although for the purest evil reasons) the connections and similarity in thinking between himself and the Zionists in Israel and elsewhere, something tells me his audience wouldn’t appreciate much of this. Maybe he could explain to them like “no, no, you see I also want the Jews to leave the UK, so I work with Israel because they want the Jews to come to them! (That’s like literally a foundational goal of the Zionist movement)” but I don’t think they’ll be listening with sympathetic ears. And if he says the above part explicitly he’s just admitting openly to antisemitism. And not the fake ADL kind but the actual real kind.

    Robinson seems like an easy guy to “burn” for all the involved powers. Literally everyone hates the wanker except the most annoying terminally on Facebook UK people. Ties to designated terror groups along with instigating race riots. I dunno, it would be funny as hell though. They can’t really do anything to that dipshit Firage but Robinson is just a normal dumbass.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltomemes@hexbear.netTruth
    2 months ago

    I dunno man, but if some sort of lawless situation spontaneously emerges, I can tell you with absolute certainty who will be not alive after the first 24hrs.

    I could tell you, but I won’t.

    Anyway, oh, who wrote another tweet calling for war? Crazy.

  • I assume the joke is partially that Hasan gets tons of undue hate despite being pretty much correct on most issues because he happened to be the one who got famous.

    The few issues he’s “wrong” on (as wrong as non consequential opinions can be…) I believe are meant to temper further insanity from coming his way.

    For example, saying Ukraine has a right to defend itself and people should be angry, etc. I’m of a mixed mind on because, no, it really should not exist. But it does exist, so, how should I feel when its borders are challenged? I feel like I’ve felt for over two years… just surrender that land to Russia. It’s not even a thought in my mind for half a second especially when the people there were (I dunno about now) wanting to get away from Ukraine anyway.

    I dunno it just feels like if Canada invaded Idaho and proclaimed it as independent and the people who lived there wanted to be Canadian… like wtf? Yeah, just let that happen.

    He still sticks to the “Ukraine’s fight is righteous” argument though and refuses to hear anyone say otherwise lumping them under “If you disagree then you must think Russia is in the right.” No, I think both governments kinda suck shit. I’m just saying the easiest and best solution, once you remove the frankly moronic obsession with a nation’s borders (a ~30 year old nation btw even worse example), is to look at the population’s wishes and just go with that. Bam. Done. The only Ukrainians obsessed with fighting forever are the far right wing Nazi types. I just don’t get calling their fight righteous or justified unless you are under a delusion that life under Putin is significantly worse than under right wing Ukrainian leaders (seems unlikely) and you’re discounting the fact that people there wanted to join Ukraine. I think he says it for political expediency because liberals literally shit their britches at this stuff, but he’s still maintaining it even now when the frothing libs are also accepting the inevitable (or getting there). Kinda frustrating but whatever. He does acknowledge them handing over the territory is the most likely end result and has maintained that for quite a while, so, we agree on the end result at least. We just disagree that anyone has a legitimate reason to be fighting in the first place.

  • Milk?

    What a pampered generation.

    If you’re so hungry just go to a local place where they do woodcutting of some sort and ask for some free sawdust. Add water. Free calories. See? Kids now days are just scared of a little innovation and splinters on their tongue

    Want another free one? Get some bags of lawn clippings- fresh, for this soft generation. More free calories. Too good to eat grass? “Oh it doesn’t have enough calories! Oh my body can’t break down grass, and I feel sick and keep puking!” Your lack of commitment makes me puke. Cows live on grass. Are you dumber than a cow? Checkmate, zoomers

  • Must be amazing heading one of those companies

    “Hey, investors are demanding a higher return this year due to inflation. You’re gone if they aren’t satisfied.”

    “Ah shit… alright get Lindsey Graham on the phone. Tell him I need him to write In another $100B to the defense budget…”

    They literally just print money and no one in congress is ever gonna question it or say no for fear of being reported as “not supporting national security” or whatever

    Dogshit country

  • So stupid too

    Putting aside morals and such of nukes, the terrestrial ICBMs are totally unnecessary when subs already exist and are out in the oceans carrying warheads that can devastate any country on earth. Just scrap the dickwagging missiles and stick to the subs. But boomers love nothing else more than dickwagging, so, here we are.

    And again, the entire premise is stupid, just saying how they take a stupid idea and exponentially make it stupider

  • If they use it to mean “person who doesn’t get bogged down in stupid details over the USSR (or China) just for the sake of hating a communist country” then fine. I don’t care. It just gets old seeing it used as “person left of me, which means they’re bad” by the most historically illiterate motherfuckers on the planet. The kind of fuckers who say they want socialism and then cry every time someone protests in a street. Do you see what I mean? It’s not the word, I don’t care in the end. I get like a death threat per day from random Nazis who (ironically) call me antisemitic for criticizing Israel. I’ll take tankie over that, given the choice. But it’s worth acknowledging the people calling me or us or whoever “tankie” are absolutely just the dumbest fuckers online. That’s all.

  • Bro, wtf is a tankie if not a communist? You’re just out here making up bullshit. I want a definition!

    I’ve been led to believe “tankie” was referring to fans of the USSR, which, I suppose if you wanna be annoying, one could argue “weren’t communists.” But you didn’t do that. You didn’t say “Stalin betrayed Marxist Leninism” or whatever. I could assume that’s what you meant, but I’d rather read it from you.

    It’s starting to feel like, to me, that tankie just means “someone more left than me, and that makes me angry!” Because I can say who isn’t calling people tankies. That would be Marxists of whatever variety. I can also say who does seem to be using that word all the time… socdems, liberals, sometimes outright fascists. It definitely seems to be the bludgeon of liberals who fancy themselves to be socialists though. I’m going to include most leftist anarchists under the umbrella of liberal because that’s just how I roll. Like a big ol’ tank.

  • Anti-communism has always been a reaction to communism (leftist movements broadly).

    Anyone who unironically uses the word tankie… ever… is immediately written off in my book. They’re terminally online and have never read anything, never thought about anything seriously, they’re useful idiots for fascists at best and, a lot of times, just fascists.

    I feel like they think I’m being hyperbolic or forcing a false dichotomy, but, no, if you self-label as anti-communist that’s basically the same as modern day “all lives matter” people which was a right wing, reactionary, movement against the movement for justice for black people in the US. There is a movement which is objectively on the side of people, justice, etc. and there is a reaction to that movement. Just how it goes. If you identify on the reactionary side… well, there you go. Not sure why this is so complicated for the “bBUT TANKIES” dipshits.

  • Justice@lemmygrad.mltoMemes@lemmygrad.mlMarx vs Che
    10 months ago

    Not trying to read too much into this if it’s a joke, etc.


    Marx was stating as an absolute statement of what he viewed as fact (and seems to be correct over a long enough timeline) that capitalism will fail due to contradictions

    The Che quote is the less philosophical, more “in the shit” statement. Much like Lenin before him, these guys understood that the contradictions of capitalism lead inevitably, as Marx was getting at, to failures and collapses and it’s at those moments that revolutionaries spring up and rile their base of support within the labor force of the country. Until that moment of crisis things were bad, but tolerable. During the crisis, conditions are intolerable and people are willing to do anything, including overthrowing the government/capitalist class and possibly dying for that cause. Because the alternative is death anyway. Or a living death.

    On a side note, this is why there will never be (for any foreseeable future) a socialist revolution in the US. 1) material conditions are broadly “good” (although they are worsening) 2) there is effectively no leftist political movement in the US. There are a few thousand people who are genuinely anti-capitalist, anti-imperialist and want a revolution, but that might as well be zero in a country this size. Not anything new or crazy to point out that as people’s conditions worsen further they will turn towards more and more radical leftist ideas or right wing ideas. Considering the racist undercurrents of the US and lack of any desire for any international cooperation amongst workers mixed with the (unfortunately extremely effective) FBI/CIA ops against US leftists in the past, there’s only really one path that we’re likely to head down…

  • Doing monthly (or more frequent) inventory of the store will “check” the cashiers, as every store has to do. When employees go through and get a total accounting of items actually on hand vs what the system says. Well, it tells the entire story not just on cashiers. How well the stockers kept track of damaged/expired items, theft, cashier mess ups, etc.

    I worked grocery, all departments, including receiving when I was younger and had to do inventory all the time. Of course it relies on the employee not being lazy (👀) and actually, you know, doing inventory. Usually the managers waddled their asses over if they wanted “real” inventory done because tbh I spent about an hour actually counting shit and then went and took a nap in the bathroom (had a bench for changing clothes) and just marked everything as matching. Something something pay minimum wage, get minimum work.

    Them stopping customers has to be for lowering shrink from theft, but that shit is already negligible anyway. Smart management knows that it’s already baked into the profit margin for the store and harassing people, treating everyone as a thief, will just drive away regular customers. If I get continually hassled somewhere and my time wasted there’s no way I’m gonna keep going there. Even if they manage to catch a bunch of people stealing stuff it just kind of… doesn’t matter.

    This is another one of those cases of individuals not understanding statistics and profit margins, etc. You see chuds crying all the time about “but you can’t just steal the chicken! Price go up!” and they seriously can’t comprehend that, as someone who worked in the store(s), they throw away more food (from damage or spoilage) constantly than hungry people could ever realistically try to steal. Like, yeah, there’s a threshold and if literally every shopper is stealing then sure the system breaks. But most people don’t. The people who do, overwhelmingly, are doing so because they have little other choice. It’s just incredibly stupid that managers and especially random employees or (the worst) random customers try to give a shit about theft like this. I’ve had more than a few times where I was working on something and some old guy comes up like “hey. I think that guy over there put something in his pocket.” And I’m just like “ok.” And go back to whatever. I mean wtf do they expect? Should I immediately man the store’s .50 cal turret and blow away the college kid or poor single mom who stuffed a steak in their jacket pocket? I’ve seen entire cases of chicken and other meats being crushed in the waste compactor week after week. That steak doesn’t matter.