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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023

  • All my devices, Linux or otherwise, have a host name after fictional a vessel be it water, air, or space. Weatherlight, Swordfish_II, Hammerhead, Pequod, Flying_Dutchman, Serenity, Arwing, Cloudbase, Prydwen, Nebuchadnezzar… I’m sure there are more I’m not thinking of. Nebuchadnezzar is my LTO machine that I can never spell correctly… but that’s fine, I only log in to do an annual backup to cold and fresh install of any workstation or laptop or cellphone to tape and store in my safe. Have been doing that for 3 years now. I have to look up how to spell it literally every time.

  • Forced sale only works if your government has any control over the organizational structure of your company which the USA does not. What they are effectively doing is forcing the American arm of Tik Tok to sell without access to it’s technology which China can absolutely deny. If the sale doesn’t go through, the US will ban its use. If they do sell, it will be without the technology and a company will be Tik Tok in name only having to essentially build the service from the ground up. This is an effective ban of Tik Tok regardless of the outcome.

  • But we aren’t in an Idiocracy like in the movie. That movie was about well meaning idiots in government because they were the “smartest” of the idiot population. What we currently have is an evil corporatocracy. Capitalism decides how our elected officials govern through lobbying. People are becoming dumber over time because of knowing, bad actors who want that to be the case. Education is getting worse, those in charge want citizens to fall in line and they want us to fight so that we elect the same people over and over and over again so that said people can continue to reap the benefits of that corporate lobbying.

    Top to bottom the system is the way that it is because of intelligent bad actors squeezing us for all we are worth, not idiots.