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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • So this is a AA Studio that has been working on this game for a few years. They have some investments from outside companies (including tencent) so do with that what you will.

    There IS a micro transaction store, with a bunch of cosmetic only items. I haven’t really glanced at these yet and we won’t know them all til release but I’m happy with the in-game drip currently.

    I really enjoy the game and have been playing the early access for years. They aren’t selling quality of life like stash and space etc. like Path of Exile does. They also seem like a small but dedicated group of people who have always wanted to make this kind of game and have implemented/will implement many awesome ideas (great crafting, crazily customizeable skills, cool class designs).

    They are a smaller studio so despite their prep, I would expect server failures on release day. They DO have an offline mode, but not for the current ‘Cycle’ (their seasons ala Diablo, PoE) so that will be playable on release even if servers are a mess and will have all cycle content as it releases (for now).

    Really big fan of this game. If you want to give money to a studio for an ARPG, I would definitely recommend this one, or Grim Dawn.

  • Definitely I would check out Grim Dawn and Last Epoch.

    Grim Dawn is an insanely sprawling game with tons of class combinations and builds, made by the people who made titan quest. The graphics are dated as hell but it never stopped me from loving it. I also find the lore very fun.

    Then there is Last Epoch, which is coming out on the 21st. I’ve been playing it for 3 years, even done some testing for them. Personally some of the more casual friendly things that you can’t find (like the crafting actually being amazing, seasons giving content to non-season characters, etc) just are unmatched and give the game a very good flow. It will be out in 1.0 in ~ a week and I definitely think it’s worth a glance because I find it is a great middle ground between diablo’s dumbed-downness and Path of Exile’s sweatiness.

  • I feel you. I’ve been sitting here with my pathfinder 2e books, hoping desperately to run a Strength of the Thousands game, but since I moved recently I’ve got no one nearby who even knows what DnD is, let alone pathfinder.

    I want to do a game in person, since I enjoy it way more than online but at this point I might start looking at a foundry game or something in desperation.

  • I think you should enjoy what you enjoy, OP. If it makes you happy you should try to get what you can from it.

    I was a lot like young you when I was younger, I really liked Star wars and it was part of my personality. I read plenty of EU books and enjoyed them. When Disney took over, I had some hope, but I wasn’t a child anymore.

    When they seemed to put out dumpster fire after dumpster fire, I decided that they only way to avoid being just another corporate sucker was to simply take my money elsewhere. Stop caring about the series entirely. And it honestly made me way happier, because I personally hate the idea of contributing monetarily to most of the things that I think are terrible, universe rending ideas more than I hate losing what I love. And I feel that removing that part of myself helped me to mature to other things (not saying that’s true of everyone).

    I will still probably go back and read some of the old EU books again. I will go back and play KOTOR 2 again. But I don’t think I can ever enjoy a Disney era star wars piece of content and that’s fine, because I usually choose not to even speak about them at all or view them if possible, to avoid giving money for it, since it’s the only way for your voice to be heard.

    You should enjoy what you enjoy, OP. But I think a lot of people see it as corporate enshittification of the entire franchise and the only way to win is not to pay/play.

    P.S. I agree I am tired of seeing people shit on it endlessly, only because it proves that they can’t let go of something they now hate and move on. They’re angry that Disney took away a part of themselves but not angry enough to change their ways. It’s disappointing but a lot of people are like that.