Kolibri [she/her]

Death to America


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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: November 28th, 2023


  • I’ll just go revolutionary optimize my suicide thoughts away then. I’ll just go revolutionary optimize my grief away from my mom dying last year. I’ll just go revolutionary optimize my dad drinking himself to death.

    It is cultivated by the acknowledgement that only through participation in the struggle to liberate the people can the lives of the people be transformed.

    Yea I don’t have the means to participate right now! To cultivate such a thing! I hate this fixation on revolutionary optimism because it’s ignores what getting in the way of people in participating and feels more like emotional policing or something. But it ignores why is someone a doomer? Are they depressed? Are they dealing with shit? How can those bridges be crossed? Why aren’t they taking action? What are the road blocks getting in the way. And the reason I compare it to self help is because of how others like you ignore what I just said!

    Besides like, someone can be doomer and still take action. Like there were times when I was very suicidal where I managed to help some people. It’s as if emotions don’t have to dictate action.

  • I really dislike the focus on doomerism, mainly just in the sense that like. It just reminds me sort of like. Those self help books that are like “Think positive and manifest your wishes!” that kind of stuff. I don’t think doomerism is really the problem. If anything it’s just lack of pathways to meaningful action.

    In another way it also just feels dismissive on things people are dealing with. It’s a good thing movements aren’t built off just based on how people are feeling, but on actual action being done. But maybe I shouldn’t speak considering I struggle with things like suicide thoughts a lot on a daily basis.

    I also hate how JT talked about despair and equated it to liberalism when despair is a complex emotion that stems from a variety of things like trauma. Also I hate that he brought up “continue to mope and whine and wallow in self pity”. I hate that phrase so much.

  • I’d like to think if it wasn’t for his drinking he’d probably be pretty decent. Since at least when he is sober, he is very different. He just really needs to stop drinking. Just like I dunno, maybe im too defensive of him at times. But I prefer him over my mom when she was alive, and her side of my family since they’re far worse and very reactionary. Especially with one of my half siblings threatening my dad a second time now. But then again, my mom wasn’t always bad. When my dad kicked me out two years ago after confronting him, she gave me a place to stay for a bit. Yet at the same time, she also said very transphobic towards me, yet at the same time there was a time she was accepting. Yet that also ignoring a few others things

    I dunno it just complicated with my dad, even more so since my dad like generally pretty much the only person I talk to in person.