Krem [he/him]

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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020

  • I’ve noticed a lot of people in the West that seem to love to turn their Mapo Tofu into a damn hamburger helper meal. You can ultimately add however the hell much beef you want (I ain’t judging), but note that more beef will mean that you’ll need more oil if you want to get a nice result

    hell yeah, i’ve never had a mapo tofu that was full of mince, vegan or non-vegan. at vegan places they usually cook it without any meaty bits at all, and half the time at omni restaurants it’s vegan if you ask them not to use lard/beef fat. the meat is there for flavor and maybe to add some texture to the sauce (though that’s more from the beans)

    japanese/taiwanese/western mapo tofu, with its lack of spices and its thick gravy sauce, is fine, but it’s kind of bland and heavy and boring compared to the real thing.

  • idk, i was shitposting but i can imagine that for people born after say 2005, growing up in the post-subculture era, that subcultures from the 90s and earlier with their individual niches are mostly extinct since before they were born and only exist documented online, and so can be picked up and worn as a fandom costume just like a steampunk or jedi or vampire

    anyway i’m yells-at-cloud i guess

  • do “goth parties” exist for young people now, just like american “ren fairs” (where it’s 5% rennaisance, 5% viking, 10% medieval, 20% dr. who, 20% lotr, 40% steampunk etc), but with old subcultures that people have only seen on youtube, and they’re all equally ancient to kids now, so people decide to “go” as “grunge”, “psychobilly” “DC Hardcore” “new wave” and sho on

  • im-vegan and love pretty much all vegetables, maybe i can do a top 10 but top 3 are difficult.

    i spent a lot of time in north europe where supermarkets only have shit fresh vegetables, also crazy expensive, and most frozen vegetables are mushy and bad. in south europe the selection is 10x better, and in asia it’s incredible. some vegetables you never see in europe, and some that in europe you can only find in specialised shops are instead available everywhere. in europe you need to go to a huge supermarket or an asian shop to get a small bag of bok choy for like 2€. in china bok choy is almost free, like 20c per kilo.

    anyway here are some i want to have often

    • 芥兰 Jielan/Kalam, similar to broccolini but more kale-ey. cantonese style steamed kalam with vegan oyster sauce is chefs-kiss
    • tomatoes, juicy, crunchy, sweet, sour, meaty, all good for different purposes
    • peppers, red/yellow/green bell peppers, turkish sivris, chinese luosijiao, poblanos, sweet or mild or a bit spicy (i love hot chilis too but they’re more of a spice than a vegetable)

  • Krem [he/him]@hexbear.nettomemes@hexbear.netblork
    1 month ago

    It makes sense. Zeb knows Bombo. Bombo visited Uyun Poot’s Saloon in Legends: Star War X Wing Borb Season 3 Episode 12. (Pause at the 23 minute 11 seconds mark). Guess Who else visited that Saloon? None other than Hupple Swett (in the tie-in novel Admiral Poot and the Gyngul Assault). Yes, THAT Hupple Swett. Remember in Blue Elephant: The Jizz Guy: A Star Wars Story on Disney+, where Sorlac goes to the Qung Moon Station? Who does she fight at the end? Exactly, Ooogon Fetid (the disciple of Hupple Swett in case you’re a cueless dweeb). And who had a skippable laser sword fight with Ooogon Fetid in the PS4 game Masters of Thbu Vobb? Dinkle Heinous.

    So it makes perfect sense that Zeb shows up in the Bambolorian and Donk Movie

  • i often get stinky tofu from 素食 places and i’d suppose they as well as non-veg vendors source it from the same place.

    i’m not very familiar with zhejiang-style, and while i’ve eaten kilos of changsha-style, most of it has been the cheapest type of street food, mass produced, and i can’t imagine they would use expensive ingredients like meat just to marinate a 6-kuai street food (or ever stranger, milk, liquid milk being a specialty drink you have to go to like a walmart to buy)

    though when i visited changsha, the stinky tofu they served there sometimes was topped with mince. wtf.

    guizhou/yunnan types on the other hand seem like descended from 毛豆腐 rather than something fermented in some animalesque brine. they’re wet/sticky on the inside (before cooking) and seem to be just fermented tofu, not soaked/marinated.

    taiwanese style is mostly vegan, but sometimes they make a disgusting soup out of intestines and stinky tofu, which is actually properly stinky because it smells like literal shit, while the tofu itself normally is just a bit cheesy

    regards, a tofu enjoyer