I’m Dan. A 36 year old father of two who doesn’t have nearly as much time as he needs to do half the things he wishes he had the time to do.
You’re right. But in the interest of no stupid questions I thought I’d ask anyway, because…you know, what if?.
And thanks for the grammar lesson, I didn’t ask for that one but I’ll take it on board.
Thank you.
I think I saw a show 20 or so years ago that tried to debunk this and obviously either they messed up, or I wasn’t paying attention.
(The show was called Brainiac).
Turned 2 a few weeks back. I think we’re entering, or have just entered the terrible twos. Fun fun fun.
I wish I could get into this, but it’s just not for me. Seems super cool and everyone seems to be so enamored with it…but I just couldn’t get it to stick.
Disney+ UK for certain. I’m not sure how it works out across other regions but I saw a Tiktok that said it was available worldwide.
Son broke my favourite mug. And he then threw my phone at my wrist, which hit my watch and scratched the phone screen. Yeah, its been a fun one.
I’ve stopped looking at my notifications on Reddit, it’s just too anxiety inducing for me. Thankfully I’ve not had that same problem here, although I’m sure it’ll happen eventually.
Hope you feel better.
Don’t worry. If she’s anything like her Father she’ll be more interested in Eugene Debs than Donald Trump.
She used to. We’ve put a stop to YouTube though because she turns into a little demon after watching it.
I’m already half way there being a big NHL fan.
Maybe I could use that time to watch The West Wing? I’ve heard nothing but good things about it but…who’s got the time.
Joking aside, the scene where Tywin schools Joff on how no true king needs to say that he’s a king is peak GoT. Absolutely incredible writing, acting and production from all involved.
I’ve spent my time continuing through, and then finishing my first run on the new Suzerain DLC.
Had a good time with it but I think it’s maybe not as… fully thought out as the games OG campaign was. That said, I’m definitely going back to it at some point because I made some frankly awful decisions and it all went wrong very quickly.
I was a bit worried about how well the Steamdeck would handle it but I actually found playing with the Decks touchpads to be preferable to the games gamepad mode.
I just wish the Fury part of Bowsers Fury was a little less all consuming. The little open world they constructed was great, but I found the constant interruption from Bowser to be a little grating after a while.
Teach me!
I dunno, I could spend a good long while playing nothing but Football Manager if I didn’t have to worry about being anywhere else.
I mean, is this in real time because I won’t lie, I bet there’s an awful lot of ‘boring’ mixed in with all the amazing moments.
I think Farrell suffered a similar sort of thing as Brad Pitt did in the 90s in that he’s super attractive…oh and he was in that bad Daredevil movie. Aside from that I can’t remember him ever being the reason a movie was bad, and whenever I see him he’s absolutely fantastic.
I watched that when it came out but the scene with the father and the tree is still firmly planted in my head.
I mean it was called Brainiac and it did have John Tickle walking on top of a pool of custard. Are you suggesting I was wrong to use that as my foundation for all knowledge??