Red_Scare [he/him]

  • 1 Post
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 19th, 2020

  • You are completely misinformed.

    First of all “kulaks” were not working peasants who lived self-sufficiently off farming their land and raising their livestock, you are thinking of “serednyaks”, the class below kulaks in the 4-tier rural class system of Imperial Russia. Kulaks were rural loan sharks and land owners who did not work but rather lived off extortionate interest rates from loans to “serednyaks” and from exploiting the labour of “bednyaks” (literally “the poor”) and, mainly, the seasonal labour of “batraks” who were the class below “the poor” - many of them homeless, traveling from village to village and working quite literally for a bit of food and a place to sleep in the barn.

    If you intend to keep talking publically about kulaks, do look into those classes, look up who batraks were and what kind of life they lead before the revolution, the mortality, the diseases, how many they were compared to the number of kulaks. Find out what dekulakisation brought not only for kulaks, but also for that huge number of serednyaks, bednyaks, and batraks they exploited. Find out what dekulakisation did to overall child mortality, child hight, life expectancy, and so on.

    Second, kulaks were not murdered, they were eliminated as an economic class by removing the relataionship of exploitation. Their lands were taken and given to the people, and the ones who resisted were deported with their families.

  • No, economic value is still created at the point of commodity production. What happened is that industrial production has been outsourced to the global South and the value is being siphoned in the form of hugely undervalued commodities via unequal trade. This value is used to inflate payouts to the service, financial, and digital sectors in the global North. So looking purely at monetary value at the point of exchange one might come to the conclusion Twitter creates more value than agriculture, metallurgy etc. This is patently false under the labour theory of value.

    This is simply the final stage of imperialism and by the way, just notice that imperialists don’t start wars over Yandex, Baidu, TikTok etc, they start wars over natural gas, lithium, oil, wheat, access to cheap labour, etc.