Haha but seriously, please don’t use workers as your personal therapists.
Eww that’s gotta smell nasty while taking a nap next to it.
Wow I hope you don’t get caught because that would be serious, manipulating item prices without authorization. Maybe gas station management is more lenient but I personally wouldn’t bet on it.
Lmao a bit dramatic writing a “love letter” to a game that’s not released yet.
I hope the game lives up to its hype… but knowing Bethesda, it will probably be buggy and janky before the modding community does the actual heavy lifting as usual.
He makes his video editors do manual labor for his home, like painting his walls and moving home furnitures. He is not known to be a respectful guy.
Awesome!👌 👏 👍 just what I was waiting for since migration.
thank you, I was not sure about the detailed hierarchy. So Coast is working with regular full time instead of part time? That seems like what most people would prefer by continuing their current jobs… rather than quitting it to have a more labor intensive part time job.
Trolls gonna troll
volunteer in your local community and meet cool people
Tons of companies have ‘officially’ pushed out RTO, mine included, but here in Bay Area it’s still up to the agreement between direct managers and employees to keep WFH going. So my team still does WFH and other reasonable managers continue to do so for their teams as well. I hope that works out for your case too.