Ben propose tes actu mondiales (en français de préférence) ça dépend aussi de votre participation. ;)
Ben propose tes actu mondiales (en français de préférence) ça dépend aussi de votre participation. ;)
The news is in french language and tagged in french. Are you french ?
It is a world news, it happen in USA not in Europe
As inlandempire said, you can filter post by keywords. You can also filter our french speaking communities.
I recommand creating a piefed account instead of lemmy. It is in beta but there lot cool stuff that improve user experience. There is a better thread management with filter by keywords, people, instance…and topic…some app can filter by words.
Please refrain from critizing OP from now, thank.
Rectifié, merci 😅
Non, c’est parfait. 😊
C’est une actu internationale (israel), européenne (matche en norvège pays-bas), qui est en lien avec israel-palestine.
Edit : et colle bien à gauchiasse.
Ce poste compte triple. Ce poste compte quadruple. coucou peux tu vérrouiller ce post ? Merci :)
Hello, la suite du mégafil est ici :
Merci pour votre contribution 😊
Mais pourquoi ? tu peux ^^
Tu peux aussi créer une commu qui regroupe pole emploi, linkedin, mais faudra l’animer et la moderer. L’alimenter comme vous dites. 😁
Perso je trouve que ça irait bien dans ! mais demandons d’abord à notre architecte :)
The analogy on the castle isn’t a good one, they want to break free from the castle because it is populated by mad men, the castle is unsafe because they are being controlled.
So they will build a new one for women only and create a safe space. A web-trusted women network. Lastly, it is a trend that may last or not. That may shape your relationship.
Sorry i don’t have the energy to debate on those detail. Again, you missed the bigger picture because you are to focused on this analogy.
Yes, it will never represent exactly a relationship, its aim is to sum up their decision :
I had enough bad experience with men. 1/2 of the population have voted a rappist that launched a direct attack to the capitol and fucked up my abortion right so i’m leaving.
Disons qu’on avait fermé plusieures commu similaires pour cause d’inactivité et concentrer les jlailutins et jlailutines sur les commu les plus dynamiques. 😁
I pondered a lot before deleting your post. You are missing the point of this analogy. Look at the bigger picture.
Firstly, it’s not a person but a movement that some women want to follow, its their choice.
So to take something as fun and interesting as “going on a date with a potential partner” and turn it into “studying and dissecting a skittle”, signals pretty big incel terminally online energy.
They will consider it for their next date or simply stop and focus on themselve without us. That was the point of the bowl’s analogy.
The whole bowl is toxic as fuck until men listen to them and change their habit. So you understand why some of them can’t bear anymore ?
We didn’t read the same article. It clearly stated that as women’s right are threated, they decided to act.
The analogy refer to people’s toxicity : they won’t date MAGA and will push further to any men until they change and fight for women’s right.
Intéressant, merci pour la mise à jour. :)
J’ai arreté de lire au milieu, ça m’a retourné les tripes.
Je comprend pas comment il peut etre aussi intelligent.
5 ans plus tard, il va nous sortir un bouquin expliquant comment il a survécu aux universités wokes et n’est pas devenu gay.
Pas grave si tu ne comprends pas je t’offre des hauts-votes 🥰
Merci, vu l’image je crains le pire 😨
Very cool power move ! We can also do it with our hearing aid too or sign langage !
Better, i can remplace sound with music and no one would notice it. :3
I still can’t hear well, it has only been two months since its activation. However, my comprehension has improved according to my doctor. :)
Je sais pas s’iels ont interviewné les pires…
Son compère acquiesce. “Elle veut nous retirer tous nos droits, de dire ce qu’on veut, d’être nous-mêmes… Tout ça pour nous rendre woke”, s’étrangle Michael, intimement persuadé que “les universités américaines apprennent aux étudiantes à devenir lesbiennes, pour ne plus avoir besoin des hommes ensuite”.
Ouep le blanc se salira, j’ai peur aussi que le plastique jaunisse. Par contre, comme iel se “salit” plus souvent, en fait, logiquement iel sera plus propre que sa version noire.
On le nettoira plus que le noir.