I just don’t think it’s morally good to use a word that has been used as a racial slur and to radically devalue and enslave people and make it socially accepted for people with a specific ethnicity to say. Imo this is the essence of racism and exactly what went wrong in the past with exactly that word. It doesn’t matter if a word is only used by people considered “white” or “black”, it’s the same thing and just not right.
For example in Germany they have a slang called “Digga” (used instead of “bro” or “dude”) which confusingly kinda sounds like the N-Word but it has nothing to do with it and has no racist or negative connotation at all and is used by everyone no matter their ethnicity. If Americans would use a similar slang that also has no racist background let’s make one up and call it “Brazz” and not make it exclusive to a skin type I wouldn’t see any problem. For example they already have “dude” and “dawg” which are perfectly fine. But the n word is just not okay if you asked me.
That’s an interesting point. I think the sheer fact that Americans with darker skin might be the descendents of slaves might do something psychologically to some people and shape their identity in a different way.
But I also think that probably many Americans including the ones from European ancestors are probably quite far detached from that culture anyways. And I wonder if Americans with unknown origin couldn’t just do a DNA test if they wanted to know their ancestry and get in touch with the specific country be it from Africa or partly European if it was really that meaningful for them.
I for example don’t really care about my ancestors. I might come from slaves but I don’t really care as I mainly focus on the present. But every person is different in that regard.