I hopw others follow their example
I hopw others follow their example
i don’t want to think to much about it. I want to see who is Venom in the game.
No, you don’t have to play other games before XVI.
Wow, this looks so good. Not a big spider man fan, but even i’m interested to get the plates or controller
You could just buy black plates
I’m exited to try that game tomorrow
I want a VR game that is like the games from sword art online
I write at the moment, because the it’s good that microsoft finally has a package manager. But even though choco is community maintained, it’s quite good and has a lot things microsoft not yet has. But what annoys me the most with winget ist, that the package names outside of the store packages have horrible names. But you are correct, official is better.
Haven’t found something that was cheaper in store than online as disc, so nothing for me this time.
At the moment i like choco more than winget, so winget is now the tool to install choco???
I will be in the CNT. But i’m very casual in Tekken, so maybe don’t win a lot.
I think it’s easier to write about the games people don’t have get death threats nowadays. This is so sad
There is a full game on PSVR, called Astro bot rescue mission. I would recomend it as well, but i guess not everyone has a psvr. So i just hope the next game from team asobi is on the same level and a full blown game.
I own the game on maybe ps4. Not a fan of open world games so i stopped playing it after few hours. Was maybe not fair to rank this game, but i like more character focus games like typical jrpg’s than western games that are not like that.
Everyone has different tastes. My switch almost only has strategy games with Fire Emblem Engage/Three houses, Triangle Strategy and Wargrove. If you like games like that i would either start with Fire Engage if you like character focused games or if you like to do decision on a story then play Tiangle Strategy
Pc is the plattform with the most exclusives if you consider many mmorpg’s and a lot indie games.
I wish the writers the very best. I’m able to wait for good things.
I wouldn’t really consider it to be in developement hell. Sure it takes it time, but there are not management problems. Just a very small teams that does what it can. The first game was develope by 3 persons, maybe the second as well (don’t know)
For me is was Digimon Survive (yes i don’t joke). I even like the outcoming of the game and yes i awake the game is not awesome.
Ich hab mir vor Christian Lidners Zeit eigentlich schon immer gedacht, dass es keine Woche gibt an dem die FDP nichts dummes sagt.