• 30 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2024


  • The judge sentenced him to 33 1/3 years. In Minnesota, defendants typically serve two-thirds of their sentence in prison and the rest on supervised release.

    Castillo had eight prior felony convictions, including second-degree assault for beating another woman with a hammer in 2014. At the time of the knife attack, Castillo was on intensive supervised release and had a warrant out for his arrest after he failed to show up at a court hearing on charges that he assaulted two correctional officers at the Stillwater state prison in 2020.

    Fingers crossed this worthless piece of shit dies in prison, but it doesn’t seem likely if he’ll only serve about 22 years. I’m usually pretty heavy on rehabilitation, but this one seems too far-gone. Hopefully they can at least get him a ton of psychiatric help and counseling before he’s released on the slim chance he can change.

    • NFTs are objectively a scam, and unsurprisingly, 1208 – these developers – proudly and prominently display Wolf of Wall Street Jordan Belfort on their homepage.
    • They just say “open-source” without stating a license, and coming from people willing to put a pyramid scheme in their no-effort mobile game, that sends up red flags for openwashing.
    • If it is open-source, that isn’t god’s gift to mankind or anything. There are plenty of existing open-source Flappy Bird clones that mimic it – as best I can tell – one-to-one because Flappy Bird isn’t a complex game. And I’m somehow doubting a game designed to hawk shitty-ass NFTs has a lot of detail put into it either.

  • I’m not sure that last part’s true. The Death Star’s beam is pretty wide, and it manages to track a planet, which if we take Earth’s travel around the Sun as an example could be moving around 30 km/s. Voyager 1, by contrast, travels around 17 km/s. The main thing it would depend on is your distance from the Death Star. The laser seems to be able to travel a very long distance, and so if you’re far enough away, that only requires a very small angular correction by the station, although they’d have to lead the shot more and would give the ship more chances to make unpredictable maneuvers after they’ve already fired. Collimation means that the beam would stay at basically the same width when it reaches you as it was at the station, so I don’t think that would be a factor. If you’re really close, though, then yeah, even just lazily moving out of the way is probably enough. I don’t think it’s ever quite explained how the Death Star tracks Alderaan, but based on the fact that the laser is facing like 150 degrees away from the planet as Princess Leia is brought in for interrogation, I think it can be surmised that it can orbit itself about its own axis pretty quickly.

  • How would the Death Star hit the cube in the first place though? It can travel faster than light, whereas the Death Star is meant for stationary or nearly stationary targets and has a long recharge time. Everything else – the fighters and the turrets – the cube would adapt to immediately. The Death Star 2 is shown to have a shield around it projected from Endor, but the first Death Star is never shown to have such a shield. So unless the cube gets in firing range of the main cannon, it just adapts immediately to everything and starts neutering the station’s defenses before beginning the assimilation.