Elves rock actually, those dwarves on the other hand…
On a more serious note, I’ve been a fantasy nerd since I was a pre-teens and I always loved elves. Now there are so many different takes on them that it’s impossible to say something definite about all of them, but I like the wish fullfilment the Tolkien-esque elves represent. People living in harmony with nature rather than at the expense of it, free from worries of mortality or aging, and able to spend their lives creating beautiful things and focusing on arts and poetry. I definitely get how the video draws a connection to celebrities and ultra-rich people from that, but I like the kind of sadness it implies for a couple reasons. One is that this type of excistence will always be impossible for us (no matter how rich you get), so elves represent something unobtainable we want, and the other is that despite this, elves are still unable to free themselves from human vices like bigotry, jealousy and pride.
Also, to be a little more explicitly positive about elves, one thing outside the scope of this video is gender coding. While fantasy today is a pretty diverse genre, you don’t have to go that far back in time before it gets very male-dominated. Elves represent ideals that in our society are heavily connected to feminity. They’re elegant, graceful and beautiful, with strong ties to creative arts and spirituality, no matter their gender. In a genre where the common ideals used to be stoic, though warrior-kings and stuff, I think that’s cool as hell actually.
I don’t agree that literature or music have gotten in any way worse since the 2000s, but for big budget movies specifically it feels like everything is either a big board-room created franchis, or an adaption or a remake of someone else’s creative idea.