Good. Fuck JKR.
Good. Fuck JKR.
Freispruch wäre die einzige gerechte Entscheidung. Sexuelle Belästigung kann sehr schnell zu sexueller Gewalt und Tod führen. Die Frau hat diese Ereigniskette sehr effizient unterbunden.
Fuck JKR and the horse she rode in on!
Each and every time I watch those I’m a sobbing mess.
That list is amazing! There are a lot of episodes I hold dear. Also thanks for adding TAS.
My friend is absolutely open to older shows. I somehow forgot about “Data’s Day”. I don’t know how that one slipped past me, but it’s truly great for beginners of Star Trek. I appreciate it!
Thanks, Body and Soul is so goofy, I love it! ^^
That would be Balance of Terror. Easily in my top 3 episodes of the entire franchise.
Those are pretty great. Thank you. Also nice you included the movies. And you picked 2 of my 3 favourite TOS episodes! :D
I love those suggestions. And yes, I think they are very suitable for someone new to the franchise. Thank you.
Wir saufen bis wir umfallen…
Aber was ist mit SNW & PRO und den Short Treks?
Bierkasten, Feuerzeug, DIN A4 Blatt…
Die einzigen, die sich über Minderheiten lustig machen dürfen / durften sind Doug Stanhope und Ralphie May. Da musste selbst ich als betroffene Person stets gut lachen. :)
You’re welcome.
Get things done asap. I do the dishes immediately after eating. I deal with all paperwork as soon as it comes to my attention. I write shopping lists before going to the stores. Every appointment or meet up with friends gets put in my calendar.
The big benefit of this approach is that I get a lot of things done and don’t become stressed out about unfinished chores.
Highly organised.
Boardwalk Empire and Sons of Anarchy.