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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 26th, 2023


  • I really dont understand americans, they are so proud of their weapons yet can’t control them so theres a school-shooting every month or so. But when there is a grown-up (politician/capitalist) they suddenly dont have their guns anymore?

    It seems shooting kids is easier then shooting the evil people. Not that I would ever do either…

    just saying, dead people cannot maintain a broken system.

  • Maybe I am growing insane, maybe I am not, for sure I am not the best person to explain this (/communicate my thoughts).

    “That’s the simple explanation”

    This does not cut it for me, I want to know what these processes truely entail.

    If you “own your home with no mortgage” Inflation does NOT do anything, since the worth and the money numbers are not the same. If you own a Housing complex in Brazil or Venezuela or whatever and suddenly the inflation jumps up 3’000% per month. Your assets arent suddenly the equivalent of an egg from Walmart. After the Shake-up has calmed down, you will ve able to raise the rent back up to a similar level as before and as such extract a similar worth from those poor Venezuelans.

    The money number may be entirely different, maybe even in another currency, but the worth should stay the same.

  • Be carefull, the ISP may be well-meaning to torrenting, however that doesnt change that technically, uploading unlicensed content is not legal in switzerland.

    As well as breaking other laws (by downloading/spreading extremist content for example) can get you in trouble still.

    *Apparently it seems that in switzerland Games for example are in a different legal category from a Movie and such and are technically also illegal to upload. Though I dont really think rhant a private person just suddenly gets into major trouble because of this.

  • Well inflation generally is just people with money and people with power agreeing to lie to each other, so the whole thing can continue working for them.

    imagine this: you own a company, your company made raw profit of 300’000 last year. This year it made 3% more raw profit. where did that come from? Growth! or inflation? both? (the real answer is your company made 30% more, because you’ve fired all the good, expensive workers and in three years the whole thing goes bust)

    It gets created when money travels hands, but someone says: I give you 100’000$ value(chicken eggs par example), you give me 100’000$ chash/numbers, but in reality most people only ever receive 99’800 (chicken eggs) -> a devaluation.

    The money supply only ever grows because banks can just loan more money than thry have, but then it all gets paid back and suddenly there is more money in the system.

    Combining the two (devaluation in transaction and Oversupply) equals a general trend of having more and more money (cash/numbers) while having proportionally less worth. (even though there may have been true growth, the amount of moneys ahs grown stronger/faster.)

    The opposite would be you’re paying 1’000’000 and receiving a higher worth, in the end the system loses money proportional to the worth. Deflation happens.

    In my mind Inflation is good when it makes products cheaper because people hate having to pay “more” for the “same”. and when it sucks the money out of the pockets of people sitting on it. (*it can also help normal people in debt, because dept usually only grows slightly, while the people increase their income and money)

    However most people with money also invest it in ways where they arent just sitting on it. and most normal people dont actually have a job whit money pegged to inflation, so they just get arsed with minimum pay from the early 1990’s.

    “Japan’s economy has been fucked for decades by low growth because of deflation.” I disagree, it has been a very differemt system compared to the US, but it also has a significalty different culture for example. Japanes people are quite wealthy, they have healthcare, they can eat sushi daily, they grow older than americans, are less fat than them. The japanese, in the biggest city in the world, have nowwhere near the homeless problems that plague the US. They jsut havent focused on “growth at any cost”.

    an example for the systematic difference: The media cannot(is not allowed to) critisize the government in Japan. The US media isn’t doing much else except critisizing. Another Ex. may be the horrendous social problems they have, but they are mainly grounded in their fucked up culture, not their economy.

  • As I said, its not that way for me, because my hard-drive is right there, I plug it in, move to the right folder, which is where I want it, where I know it.

    Those “oh so easy” applications are bloatware, need sign-ins, money, need crappy mobile/console interfaces, and very often still dont have what I want to watch (language, captions, resolution or even “nah, we dont have the rights to this series (anymore), because we rented them to someone else, even though we have initially created tge whole thing”)

    imagine I want to make a meme or gif out of star wars, VLC or Windows Movie Editor or whatnot is just better than trying to film Neftlix.

    I will state again: for me “pirating” and locally storing content is the significantly easier option.

  • Look guy, Poncho, This really isn’t a problem. The internet is supposed to help you solve problems, normally one would not like these types of questions (as they could be solved by reading the manual - the problem begins when you get the same question everyday) but currently this niche here is absolutely more fun than just banning someone for this question. And thinking of the future, anyone with the sense of looking it up before asking the question has the possibility of reaching this genuinly helpful thread.

    As far as this here is concerned it has been enjoyable as well as informative in several ways.